dinner 📸📸

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we drive back to jadens house and he goes and gets clothes and then brings them back to me while im waiting in the car

you : okay i will come get you later
jaden : alright bye

i drive back to my hotel and sit around until i get a call from my manager

y/m= manager

y/m : hey y/n
you : hi
y/m : so you have been nominated for 2 emmys one for best young actress and best newcomer
you : oh omg thats amazing
y/m : yeah so the awards are on sunday and it starts at 7 (it's tuesday)
you : alright that amazing
y/m : so you probably wanna do some kind of promotion or something if yoh want the best chance of winning and you can bring a +1
you : alright sounds good
y/m : okay so i will talk to you later
you : bye

y/m : hey y/n you : hi y/m : so you have been nominated for 2 emmys one for best young actress and best newcomer you : oh omg thats amazing y/m : yeah so the awards are on sunday and it starts at 7 (it's tuesday) you : alright that amazingy/m : so...

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@y/ny/l/n : omg so this is kinda crazy i just got nominated for 2 EMMYS guys i love you so much and i couldn't do this without you (MAKE SURE YOU VOTE FOR ME) but honestly thankyou you guys changed my life ILYSFM <3

you get loads of congrats texts and you reply to them all and reply to some of your comments on your instagram

skip to later on when you go to pick jaden up

you get there and get out your car and walk towards the baseball field trying to find jaden ,,
you see them still practicing and decide to sit down suddenly a bunch of girls come up to you they look around your age and they start talking to you (gonna give them random names)

lauren : hey im lauren
jess : im jess
maddie : im maddie
you : hi im y/n
lauren: we know who you are your the girl from the shows and movies
jess : and your totaly famous
maddie : what are you doing at our school
lauren : yeah dont you have a mansion and stuff
you : im just waiting for jaden
jess : like jaden walton jaden
you : yeah that jaden
lauren : so are you and jaden like yk hooking up
you : no just friends
jess : okay good cause all the girls round here totally love him
you : that is great honestly
maddie : so are you coming to dinner later
you : yeah i think so are you guys going to be there
maddie : me and lauren are but jess is babysitting her brother so she cant come
you : oh alright
jess : also congrats on your award things
lauren : omg yes so cool
you : thankyou

suddenly jaden comes over

jaden : hey your ready to go y/n
you : yeah
you all say bye
jaden : why where you talking to them
you : idrk they just came over and started talking to me they were abit rude but maddie was nice
jaden : oh yh maddies cool jess and lauren though there just there whenever we hang out also congrats on your awards aswell thats so cool
you : thanks
you : so how was training
jaden : it was good just getting ready for the season
you : i swear you just won tbe final
jaden : yeah but theres like other championships
you : oh alright ,, i can not be bothered with set tomorrow
jaden : well you gotta get that bag
you laugh
you : yeah i guess

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