Ch. 18 - Please Say Yes

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"Why do you think I fuck
around so much?"

- Sergey

Chapter 18 - Please Say Yes

▪️N A T A S H A▪️

Sergey was clearly contemplating on what I had just asked him.

I knew that it was a bold move on my part, but I wanted Sergey in my bed. We were both consenting adults and no one had to know what was going on between us. 

It would be our secret.

Obviously, I was hoping that he would say yes. Not just to the hickey, but to so much more.

It was clearly a risk to have propositioned him in the way that I did, but given how the conversation had unfolded, I figured that it was as good an opportunity as any. Since I was feeling particularly brave right now, I figured that it would be better to just push ahead before I chickened out.

After all, what was the worst that could happen?

I was prepared to be rejected. But knowing that he was attracted to me, I would just lick my wounds and try again at a later date.

Sergey's right hand moved to stroke his low stubbled beard while his eyes slowly roamed down the front of my body. When his gaze reached my legs, I deliberately spread my thighs, the movement causing him to groan low in his throat.

"Isn't Mr. Baconcock flying in tomorrow evening? I thought that marks were bad for business?"

I shrugged, "I'll just hide them... Besides, it's not like I ever take my clothes off for my clients."

"You don't?" Sergey's brows creased as his head jerked up. Now staring at my face, he questioned with a sneer, "Not even for Karl?" 

Rolling my eyes at him, "No, not even for Karl."

"I'm confused, I thought that–"

"That I slept with some of my clients?" I finished for him.

Sergey nodded, "Yes, especially with him."

I got momentarily side tracked, curiousity getting the better of me, "What? How come?"

"It's the way he looks at you not to mention the subtle things that he does. Like the way he puts his hand on your lower back to help guide you into a room. He's clearly smitten with you and I suppose I just assumed that the two of you were lovers and were maybe even dating."

I would have rejoiced at the fact that Sergey seemed to be very attentive about what happened around me. But then I reminded myself that it was his job to be observant.

Shaking my head, I replied, "We've only ever kissed."

"Huh!" Sergey commented before biting the corner of his bottom lip, clearly thinking about something.

It was then that I decided that it was now or never, I needed to be open and honest with Sergey and what I wanted from him. Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and locked my eyes with him as I spoke.

"Like you said, I'm an escort, I provide companionship, not sex. Yes, clients like Karl have asked to sleep with me, but I've always declined."


Licking my lips nervously, I answered, "Because I wanted you to be my first–"

Sergey abruptly stood, the sound of the stool scraping against the floor caused me to stop midsentence.

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