Ch. 27 - Sin Of Omission

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"I swear, the two of you are like a
bunch of rowdy farm animals!"

- Aleksandr

Chapter 27 - Sin Of Omission 

▪️S E R G E Y▪️

My feelings for Natasha were stronger than I had expected.

I knew that I was falling for her, but fuck me it would seem that I was already in love with her and had not realised it.

That was until I saw Karl fucking Speckhahn put his damn lips on her cheek and dare to touch her hand in front of me. Although, what really set me off was him insinuating that he had slept with Natasha.

What a fucking rat bastard!

I planned on messing that pretty face of his up for causing that look of distress that had carved its way into her expression when she thought that I would have believed his word over hers.

As if!

I know that I could be a little dense at times, but I was no fool.

Of course, I knew that Natasha had been honest with me about her celibacy. The way her body had eagerly moved against mine coupled with the look of wonder in her eyes as I brought her to orgasm had let me know that no one had ever properly taken care of her before.

It took everything in me to leave her behind the half wall.

Honestly, with the way I was feeling, I had wanted nothing more than to lower my zipper and hastily lift her dress up so that I could bury myself deep within her. There was a ferocious need to take her right then and there, officially making her mine.

I had already planned on consummating our arrangement tonight, but with all the adrenaline coursing through my veins, I just hoped that I could wait until later when we were back in the privacy of my home.

Hell, when I had told her that I was going to fuck her so good that she would not need to think of any other man except me, I had lied and left out something very important.

By sin of omission, I had purposefully withheld the part where I wanted to say that I would be the last man she would ever be intimate with.

Not meaning to sound arrogant, but by the time I was done with Natasha, I planned to ravish her so thoroughly that she would only crave my body and no one else's. I knew what those words were implying and I found that I was willing to see things through.

When she had responded and said that she already only thought of me, I could not help but be rendered speechless at her shocking words.

I knew that she had panicked, not wanting to reveal how emotionally invested she was already. But truth be told, I was right there beside her, my own feelings for her growing more and more each day.

A part of me felt guilty.

Being the older and more experienced one between us, I should just come clean and express my emotions. What stopped me was the fact that even though Natasha had her own feelings for me, she seemed intent on keeping us a secret.

It was for that reason only that I held back.

In time I would find out why she wished to keep things between us hidden; if she was doing it for me, I would quickly tell her that she needed not. But a part of me got the impression that Natasha did not wish to share her feelings with anyone just yet as the excitement of others would probably force her to move at a pace that she was not yet ready for and I would respect her wishes.

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