Ch. 25 - In Plain Sight

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"I'd take a bullet to the chest before
I let anything happen to you!"

- Sergey

Chapter 25 - In Plain Sight

▪️N A T A S H A▪️

Shut up and kiss me some more, Sergey had commanded and I willingly complied.

I was still reeling over the fact that he had admitted to wanting to be alone with me. Given what I knew of him, the man was clearly an expert at hiding his facial expressions and more so his emotions. Sergey had concealed his eagerness very well, so much so that during his earlier exchange with Jade, I could not help but believe his words.

Foolish, I know.

Although, considering that we had not exactly talked much about what was to take place between us, I was not going to assume anything. Just because he enjoyed licking my pussy, I was not going to take for granted that he would not have minded Jade pushing me up on him.

Now, however, in the privacy of his vehicle, behind tinted windows, Sergey was showing me just how wrong I had been.

With his mouth, he silently revealed that the days we spent apart had affected him as much as they had me. Feeling his lips devour mine caused a whimper to claw its way up the back of my throat while my hands fisted in the lapels of his black jacket.

When his hand moved along my upper arm over my shoulder to gently caress my bare skin, I revelled in his touch before his fingers moved to hold on to the back of my neck once more. It was such a subtle move, but it was one that made my entire body tremble.

My lips parted, not only from the pressure of his ministrations, but from shock caused by the overwhelming vibrations coursing through me. Taking it as an invitation, Sergey's tongue slowly reached out to lick against my own to which I responded in kind.

Sergey had a very soft and pouty mouth, one that I thoroughly enjoyed kissing. Every time we did, the sensations caused my body to spasm to the point where my reaction to him almost frightened me.

Nonetheless, the more I explored and experimented with Sergey, I realised that my uncertainties were turning into anticipation.

We should be driving to Aleksandr and Litizia's engagement dinner, yet here we were, making out like some teenagers, and my head was giddy with awareness. It was an experience that I had not had the opportunity to have when I was younger, so I was glad that I could participate in such now.

Especially with Sergey.

I trembled as our lips continued to move in an unhurried pace while we lost track of time.

Out in plain sight, behind the safety of the tinted windows, Sergey and I continued to explore each other's mouths. He tasted a bit like the champagne we had earlier and I could not help but move one of my hands towards the front of his black shirt, my fingers beginning to play with the smooth buttons I found.

As much as I wanted to undress him and feel the smooth yet hard ridges of his abdomen, I held back, deciding to slide my hand over his clothed upper chest instead. I could feel his heart pounding, the resounding thumps against my palm were exhilarating.

It was obvious that Sergey was just as affected by this kiss.

The knowledge of this had me clenching my thighs, the roaring pulse between my legs demanding his attention. I wanted nothing more than to climb onto Sergey's lap and beg him to fuck me, but I settled for deepening our kiss instead, pulling a contented groan from him.

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