Ch. 21 - Just Like That

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"Remember to breathe,
you can't scream my name
if you don't...."

- Sergey

Chapter 21 - Just Like That

▪️N A T A S H A▪️

With just one lick, Sergey already had me on the edge of an orgasm.

I should have been embarrassed by how fast he could make my body climax. But honestly, I did not care, especially given the fact that it had always taken me long to find a pleasurable release on my own. I was rejoicing in the discovery of the things that my body was apparently capable of.

The feel of Sergey's mouth and hands on me almost brought tears to my eyes for he seemed to know exactly where and how to touch me.

Though, I suppose my attraction to him also played a big part in my overall reaction.

Gazing down at the man between my legs, I felt my breath catch in my throat. Sergey looked so handsome; and even though he had a roguish smirk on his face, there was also a look of concentration etched over his features.

When his grey eyes locked with mine once more, he proceeded to use that wicked tongue of his on me.

Even as I drowned in a fog of pleasure, I was not so far gone that my mind could not help but replay Sergey's previous questions.

He had basically compared us to Aleksandr and Litizia.

I had been prepared to point out that Litizia was Aleksandr's fiancée and that their relationship was vastly different from ours. However, Sergey had not given me a chance to properly reply.

A part of me could not help but ponder on why he had even bothered to ask such a thing.

Naturally, I wondered if Sergey had stopped to acknowledge what those questions of his could have meant before he spoke them out loud and how I may have possibly interpreted them.

Or rather misinterpret.

Thankfully, I was not so delusional that I could not separate our explosive chemistry and mistake it for emotions, misreading it to mean something more than it actually was.

Even if I could acknowledge that there was a small part of Sergey that liked me, based on some of his behaviour, it was not something that I was going to force him to admit. 

If I had learned anything from human observation, where emotions were concerned, it was better if the person realised them on their own.

At this current moment, I did not think that either of us was ready for a committed relationship. Even if one day I may want more, right now, I was more than happy to keep our little arrangement just between the two of us.

Besides, Sergey seemed adamant about not wanting to leave my apartment without pleasing me.

So, who was I to argue?

Pushing those heavy thoughts away, I allowed my attention to be pulled by the delicious vibrations that were coursing through my body.

I had the man whom I desired naked before me and ready to satisfy me however I wanted. It would be very ill-advised of me if I did not lay back and enjoyed every second of it!

Particularly given Sergey's mood swings, if he were to change his mind after this, at least I would have this encounter to remember.

Biting my bottom lip, I moaned while my fingers twisted in the thick duvet under me. When I felt the tip of his tongue flick against the hood of my clit once more, that was it, my body exploded.

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