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The sun rises, the beautiful colourful birds chirping, making the pleasant atmosphere calm, and here is a small girl tugged under the fluffy blanket, the warm sun rays falling onto her beautiful face..disturbing her precious sleep as she whined and covered herself..but she was startled when she heard the door of her room slammed open.

"Y/n...wake up...it's 7:30 am.." Her mother nearly shouted.

"Five more minutes" Y/n mumbled.

"Fine.. Come fast" Her mother replied...as she sighed softly, saying this she gone to do her work .

FeW mInUtEs lAtEr~~

And our precious smol little girl is still sleeping, snuggling close to her blanket when her mother entered the room and snatched her blanket.

"Yahhhh wake up y/ n !!...I really forgot that today you have to get the 12th results...wake up" Her mother said, y/n sat up in shock.

"Omg...I have to get ready" Says she.

She ran to the bathroom to do her morning routine.

"This girl! " Mother said..chuckling to see her daughter's silly behaviour.


"Finally I'm ready! " Y/n said, as she looked at the clock.

"Oh I still have time! " She smiles, as she looks over the window to see the view of the birds chirping. But she was disturbed when she heard her stomach making sounds indicating that she needs food.

"I'm hungry~" She rubbed her tummy.

She walks to the living room to see her dad, reading newspaper.

"Morning dad" Wished y/n.

"Morning princess" Her father said as he smiles.

"Come here" He said, patting the seat next him, as y/n sat beside him.

Her father held her softly, kissing her forehead gently as he caressed her hair.. Y/n repeated the same, kissing her father's cheeks gently as they both smiled at each other but they were interrupted by a cough, making their heads turn to the direction from which the sound came from.

To be continued...

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