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Author pov.

Y/n and her family were eating their dinner peacefully, happily talking among themselves, but they all turn their heads towards the 'thud sound from door, revealing the devil.

Kim taehyung.

Y/n and her family were surprised to see him at their door step suddenly. Y/n looked at her mom and held her hand tightly, her mother pulled her behind her back.

"You!! How dare- Wait- how u know our house address? " Her mother asked, fear evident in her voice as she held her daughter's hand tightly.

He let out a evil laugh. "I know everything about MY DOLL" He says, the tone of his voice changing to a darker one when he said 'MY DOLL'.

"Sir?! " Her dad whispered, looking at his daughter who hid behind his wife's back in fear.

"Sir......why you're here? " Her dad asked, looking at her daughter and his boss.

"Oh Mr. Kim" Taehyung chuckles. "I'm here to get my baby doll" He cooed, looking at-his precious doll hiding behind her mother's back.

Her father stood infront of his wife protecting them both. "Sir u can't take my daughter" And I won't allow u to do so!! " Her father shouted, stepping back when taehyung gets closer to his family.

"Oh! " Taehyung chuckles. "And.... What if I do it in front u" He smirks.

Suddenly there were guards all around the house. Y/n clenched her mother's hands tightly, scared, hiding more. Y/n clearly saw how her parents panicked. Her heart clenched seeing them like this. It's all because of him.

Taehyung snapped his fingers, pointing towards y/n as his other hand stuffed inside his pants pocket. Then guards came near and near, gripping the arms of y/n mother and father as y/n screamed and hit them with her fist.

"Leave my parents please!!!! Leave them" She wailed desperately, hitting those bodyguards with more force but they didn't even move an inch nor pushed her away cause they know if they touch her they will die for sure cause... She is Kim taehyung's doll.

"Please... Leave my parents p-please" Y/n cried harder, but she gasped when she felt strong bulky arms wrapping around her waist.

"Doll why you're crying hm" He whispers, snuggling in her hairs. "And don't scream or I might take u in front of my guards" He said sensually, biting her ear lobe. Y/n understood what he meant. She was disgusted.

But before she could slap him she heard faint whispery tone. "Run... Y/n" It was her mom. Her eyes were filled with tears to see her mom like this. Y/n softly shook her head while taehyung was busy snuggling in her neck. Her mom gestured her to leave. Y/n sighed softly.

She ran and ran, she sprinted as much she can, her heart hurts to leave her parents alone there with the devil, but she should ask someone to help them. She heard his shout but she didn't care nor turned back, she continued her escape from the devil.

She stopped running she was tired, she breathed heavily but her eyes lit up when she saw a police station. She immediately ran to the police station.

"HELP ME PLEASE!!! HELP!! " She shouted, looking at the officers.The officers flinched hearing her shouts.

"Calm down miss. " He says, y/n calms herself down. "Now tell me what happened miss. " He asked politely.

"Please help me sir there is a man with his guards and he's threatening me and my parents and he has my parents too!! And I escaped from him! And now he is in my house!! " Y/n said it all on one breath. The officer nodded his head.

"Miss u know his name or something about him? " The officer asked, as he searched for some crime list files.

"Oh yea! His name is.... Kim taehyung" The officer stopped his searching, he felt his body turn cold. He looked towards y/n with fearful eyes.

"K-kim taehyung!? " He stuttered, he felt his hands all shaky. Y/n was confused to see the officer.

"Yes! Kim taehyung can u now help me- " Y/n couldn't say the next words as the officer interrupted her.

"Please go out miss" He says, his hand gesturing her to move out from there.

"B-but why officer" She whisperes. "Please help me-"

Y/n felt her body freeze hearing the same familiar dark deep voice, she whimpered softly, slowly turning her head to meet with the same eyes which scares her the most.

"Got u my doll"

To be continued...

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