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Author pov.

Y/n was sleeping on the couch but she slowly opened her eyes hearing some noises.

"Hm~where am I? " She slowly rubbed her eyes, but she immediately got up and looked around the unknown living room.

"W-hat did taehyung kidnapped me-" Then it hit her, she escaped from him. She sighs in relief and smiles. She walked to the direction and she heard the noises clear now and it leads to the kitchen.

She saw the lady washing the plates, y/n peeked and said.

"Aunty" She called softly.

"Oh dear! U scared me" She washed her hands, leaving the plates behind.

"Are u hungry? U want something? "

"Yes aunty! But wait- did I tell my name? " "Oh u didn't dear"

"Hehe sorry aunty btw my name is Kim y/n"

"It's okay y/n dear u fresh up and come I will serve us breakfast" Y/n nodded at her.

Here they are eating their breakfast.

"Aunty can u give me ur phone? "

"Of course" She handed me her phone.

Without wasting a second she dialed her mother's number.

"Hello.. " Y/n heard a weak voice from the other line making her heart break in pieces as she recognized the voice. It was her mother.

"M-mom it's me y/n" Y/n stuttered, trying not to break down. She missed her mom so much.

"Y/n!! Y/n Are u ok?! R u still in that bastard house?! "

"N-no mom I escaped! And now I'm in a safer place! But mom please take care he can come to u anytime-"

Your phone call has ended.

Y/n looked at the phone and frowned. Why the phone call has ended so sudden? She dialed her number again but it says- switched off.

Y/n looked at the phone, her hands were trembling.... Did he came to get her parents?!

All her thoughts were interrupted by a voice.

"Y/n dear I'm gonna go get groceries you're gonna come? "

"Ah! Yes aunty I would like to come and here is ur phone" Y/n smiles sweetly and handed her phone to the lady.

"Ok dear let's go"


Y/n and the aunty finished the grocery shopping as they both sat on the scooty and the lady drives.

The lady was about to turn the scooty but y/n shouted as she saw a car approaching them so fast!

"AUNTY!! SEE THE CAR-" But before she could finish. Boom. The scooty collapsed and y/n landed on the road as she groaned in pain, she closed her eyes tightly but she remembered about that lady.

"Aunty! " Her eyes widened to see the lady, she was trying to get up but she couldn't cause she was hurted badly.

Y/n tried to get up but she cried in pain while holding her ankle she saw it was bright red in colour, she twisted her ankle while falling off the scooty.

Y/n whimpered when someone helped her to stand, she clutched the man's shirt tightly as she said.

"Thank u sir-"

Her whole body froze to see the familiar face which she was trying to run away, desperately.


To be continued...

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