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Author pov..

Their sweet moment was interrupted by a small cough as they turn their head to see the person.

"Enough enough...stop with your father and daughter moment...now come and eat ur breakfast"

"I know.. you're jealous....stop with that face" Y/n dad replied with a teasing glint.

"Yes mom~dad is correct anyone could tell you're jealous of our father and daughter moment~

"Fine now stop both of u" They both giggled.

"I know mom u want a kiss" Y/n gone close to her mother and gave a peck on her cheeks with a smile.

"Aishhhh now come let's eat our breakfast! We have to get ur results too y/n" Her mom said.

Time skip.

Soon u and ur family reached ur school, u guide ur parents to ur classroom.

Greeting the teachers u saw the results which made u happy, tears of happiness and excitement was seen on y/n.

Ur parents were so happy cause u got the highest total out of all the students as they appreciated for ur hard work.

"Dear..I am so happy for you" Her mother said with a happy smile as she kissed her forehead.

"We should celebrate this day...what do you want princess...dad will buy it for you" Her dad patted her head.

"I want coke, sweets, cake, pastry.. chocolates..etc...." Her father laughed.

"Ok! I will buy it for ur great success! "

"No dad! I was just joking..i don't want anything..but I want my strawberry icecream" Y/n showed her puppy eyes.

"Ok" Her dad replied.

"So dear, you're going to study accounts" Her mom asked.

"Yes ofc mom! "

"Then we have to find the best University for y/n" Her dad said as her mother nodded at him.

Time skips...

Ur dad bought ur favorite strawberry flavoured ice cream and u were more than happy to eat it.. U and ur parents are eating the ice cream when suddenly they received a phone call.

To be continued......

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