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(in this chapter few sexual words will be there)


Taehyung's pov.

I woke up, breathing heavily as I had a wet dream about that girl.

"Shit" I whined, palming myself in my pants, my gaze went to the clock and it's still early but my cock aching to be touched, I ran to the bathroom to take care of.

Adjusting my suit, I gone down the stairs and as usual every maids and guards bowed down at me as I just hummed walking past them to have my breakfast.

I got up from my seat walking towards the door when a a guard stopped me saying.

"Boss, here the information u asked" He said, handing me a couple of files as I gazed at him confused.

"What information I asked about? "

"Boss u asked about the information of a girl" He said.

Then it hit me, ahhh how can I forgot about my precious little doll. I heard whispers and gasps, well probably they might be wondering why I asked about information of a girl?

"Silence" I shouted, taking those files from my guard, walking towards my office room.

Frustrated, literally throwing all the files off my table rubbing my forehead I sighed looking at the last file. I took the file in my hand.

"Seoul university? " I whispered. "I hope her information is in here"

Flipping through the pages, I finally found her.

"God finally! " I took her picture in my hand, staring at her natural beauty. Her soft chubby cheeks, cute doll like eyes, her pink soft natural plumpy lips God how I wish to bite and suck on them.

"I want her" I groaned.

"I have get her soon.. What should I do.. Think taehyung" Then I got an idea.

"Yes! I can be the principal in that university! " I grinned darkly.

"Seoul university huh! " I smirked, rubbing my chin, licking my bottom lip.

"I'm coming for u baby doll"

Y/n pov.

I told my mom about my first day at university and about my best friend rina and mainly about helping the grandma, she smiled, patting my head saying that I did good which made me happy.

Next morning.

Y/n pov.

I woke up and as usual did my morning routine, ate my breakfast waiting for my dad who is getting ready yup he is gonna drop me at my university.

"Dad come fast! " I shouted he consuming more time just to get ready!

He comes, putting on his shoes getting ready to drop me at my university and he works in a company and it is....

The KTH company.

To be continued...

HIS PRECIOUS DOLL •KTH•  ✓Where stories live. Discover now