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Taehyung's pov.

"Get in my baby, nothing gonna happen to u" I cooed, gently caressing her back, opening the car door for her as I force her to sit in.

The ride was really silent so I decided to speak. " My doll you're hungry or something? U wanna eat something? Daddy will buy it for u" I asked, I felt her body tensed up when I held her hand softly.

"No no please I wanna go home" She pleaded and took her hands back which made me sigh in annoyance.

"Ok fine" I grabbed her hand again and kissed them, keeping them on my lap.

Soon we reached her house, she told me her address already even though I knew where she lives, I don't wanna freak her out even more.

"Bye doll, see u tomorrow" "Bye" She says, in her whisper tone. But I was a lil confused when she just say there not opening the door of the car.

"Why doll~u don't wanna go home~hm wanna stay with daddy~" I said, leaning closer to her, my lips caressing her chubby cheeks but she turned her head away saying.

"I don't know how to open" She said, I couldn't help but to let out a small laughter. God damn. She is so cute and fragile. I pinched her cheeks while chuckling.

"So this is ur problem huh? " I asked. She nodded her head cutely.

"Then~" I learned close to her. "Give me a kiss" I said, showing my right cheek. Her cute doe eyes enlarged at my statement to which I chuckled.

"No no please I wanna go home... Mom must be waiting for me" She pleaded.

"Just a peck won't hurt my doll" I said.

She seems hesitant but one glare from me makes her do what I want. She slowly leaned towards me, pressing her soft plump lips on my cheek but before she goes back to her seat. My hand goes behind her neck to grip it, pulling her towards me as I pressed my lips on hers, gently sucking her bottom lip. I broke the kiss as I turn serious.

"Doll u should not tell this to ur parents....got it? " I said, my pointer finger caressing her bottom lip. She just nodded her head while looking down, I opened the car door for her and she immediately ran out, straight to her house. I smiled at her cuteness while I drove my car while thinking of her.

Y/n pov.

I ran to my house , wiping my tears off, I opened the door and went inside. I see my mom watching TV as she looks at me and smiles, as I also let out a small smile.

"Dear come here" I walked towards her and sat beside her. She softly placed her hands on my cheeks while here I was trying to control my tears.

"Why your eyes r red? Did u cry? Something happened? " She asked, the worry for me lacing in her tone.

"N-no mom I'm fine I'm just tired" I said, while smiling at her.

"Oh.. Then go and fresh up dear" "Ok mom" I replied, walking towards my room. The minute I opened and closed the door I burst out crying, I walked towards the mirror and slid my T-shirt from my shoulder and see a faint red mark which made me cry more.

"Why.... Why god... Why this happens to me"

I gone to take a shower, rubbing harshly at my neck and lips to get rid of his touch, I hate him I hate him so much!! I hate his touch and his existence why he does this to me..

I need to tell my mom how he misbehaves with me.... I should or he can do anything to me... But what if he does something to my family... But still he won't know right? He won't know that I'm telling his disgusting act to my parents right? But his words lingered in my mind..

"Doll u should not tell this to ur parents....got it? "

Should I tell or not?

I walked towards the living room to see my room preparing some snacks for me.

"Mom" I whispered, my voice all dull from the crying.

"Yes dear-"

To be continued...

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