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Taehyung's pov.

I knew her address I'm so excited to meet her, have her in my arms while she be sleeping~

Author pov.

Y/n was sleeping peacefully snuggling in her blanket like a baby not knowing that someone will be there to admire her in the middle of the night.

Taehyung entered through her window "my baby is really care less she didn't even locked her window..did she knew that I'm coming to meet her" He licked his lips eyeing her small body under the blanket.

Taehyung took out a white cloth which is filled with chloroform as he put the cloth on her nose, gently pressing not wanting to hurt his precious baby.

He caressed her hairs gently, slowing hugging her tight, breathing in relief to have her in his arms. He snuggled in her, his hands lift up her over sized shirt gently rubbing her tummy.

"Fuck this is the best feeling, in my whole damn life" He groaned softly, touching her hips.

"I want to do sinful things to u so badly my baby doll~ but I don't want to do those while you're sleeping~" He snuggles more.

He whispers, pecking her earlobe his gaze went to her lips "fuck" He mumbled.

"I'm sorry doll but I want to feel those lips on mine" Parting his lips, slowly and gently placing his lips on hers, he moaned feeling her soft lips on his.

( Some sexual content is here)

He devoured her mouth hungrily, biting her lips licking her lips slowly exploring her mouth taking his time. His big rough hands caressing her tummy squeezing the fat, his kisses slowly going to her jaw then her neck, he lifted her shirt gasping once he saw her breasts cupping them in his hands he squeezed feeling the softness.

"Fuck" He took his hand, controlling himself not to pounce on her and fuck her hard and deep until she be blabbering his name only.... Only.

"I should go my doll or I won't be able to control myself" He mumbled, kissing her lips one last time.

"I'll be there soon with u... Not as a student but as ur principal. " He smirks.

Y/n pov.

The morning comes but I feel like my shirt is lifted up only to see my belly is exposed which I immediately cover it, I was confused cause I never sleep like this but...... Never mind?

I did my morning routine, took my bad I begin to walk towards my college. After I arrived but I saw the students whispering something among themselves all tensed and curious which made me confused but I heard rina's voice and I looked at her direction.

"What happened rina? " I asked, clearly confused.

"It looks like our principal retired from his principal post " Rina said, a little sadness was in her voice. I was shocked like how can this even happen-

"Who's our new principal then?"


Kim taehyung.

Taehyung's pov.

Here I am, standing infront my baby doll's college but when I walk towards the principal's office I heard gasps and mumbles.

" Hey is he Kim taehyung, god he is handsome" A random girl spoke to which her friend replied. "I wish I was his girlfriend!! " She squealed.

I chuckled, that's never gonna happen not even in their dreams... I only belong to my doll.

Standing in front of the principal's cabin my guard opened the door for me, that middle-aged man was using his phone but when he heard the door opening sound, he looked up and his eyes met mine. He freezed.

"I come straight to the point" I said, placing my hands on his table. "Give ur principal seat to me"
I spoke with intimidating voice.

"But s-sir I c-cant-" Before he could finish I took my gun from my guard's hand, pointing at his head as I smirked seeing him sweating so clearly.

"So what's ur decision? " "I hope u don't want my bullet in ur head....... I suppose" I smirked, seeing him all frightened.

To be continued...

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