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Author pov.

They received a phone call. They looked at the caller I'd and it was ur elder brother rye.

"Y/n it's ur brother! Tell ur marks to him! " Her mother said.

Y/n attended the call.

"Hello rye" Y/n spoke softly.

"Checked ur 12th results? " Rye asked in his usual cold tone.

"Yes I did"

"Then? How good u scored? " Her brother asks.

Y/n told her parents to be quiet and said lowest total. (Its a prank guys)

"WHAT...THAT IS THE LOWEST MARKS Y/N" Her brother shouted through the call.

Y/n laughed as she told her brother to be calm.

"You're telling me to calm down..wh-" Her brother was interrupted her her giggles.

"Sorry for telling lies brother" Then y/n told her marks.

"What!! That's a really good total y/n! Congrats! "

"Thanks rye! "

"What you want for your success" Her brother spoke with a little excitement.

"I already celebrated with mom and dad...as dad bought my favorite icecream~"

"Oh ok...I buy chocolates for you..when I come there to meet you all" Her brother replied.

Y/n smiled happily as she gonna meet her brother.

"Ok! But chocolates for me! Then only u can enter the house! " Y/n said with a teasing voice.

"Oh! Ok mam! " Her brother replied and laughed.

"Btw where is mom and dad?"

Y/n gave the phone to her mother.

"Aish...I thought you're gonna cut the call without talking to us." Her mother said dramatically and their talks continued.


Y/n finished her dinner with her family, her family discussed about the best university in seoul and their talks continued.

Y/n felt sleepy, going to her bedroom and tugged herself in her fluffy blanket.. Smiling to herself that she soon gonna experience her first day at college.

"I'm so damn excited!!" Y/n squealed in happiness, soon she drifted to her dreamland.

Time skips to morning~

Y/n was sleeping peacefully until her father came and bother her beauty sleep.

"Y/n dear, wake up~" Her father gently woke her from her beauty sleep.

Y/n yawned, rubbing her eyes like a little kid, eyeing her father.. She said.

"Ok dad" Her father nodded at her and left the room.


Y/n and her family finished their first day of their meal.

Y/n and her father gonna go out to choose the best university for y/n.

"Y/n..are you ready" Her father questioned.

"Yes dad...all ready" Y/n responded.

"Then let's go..." Her father voiced.

It took hours and hours to find the best university for y/n and soon they found and that is......

Seoul university

To be continued.....

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