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Y/n pov.

"Yes dear" She turned towards me, but she gasped seeing my face so dull and tired.

"Y/n dear?! What happened?! Did I cry? Please say y/n" She softly placed her hands on my shoulder, looking at me worried. I couldn't help I hid my face in her neck and cried my heart out.

She panicked seeing me like this she hugged me, embraced me, patting my back gently.

"Y/n did something happened" She asked.

"M-mom i-in c-college" I hiccuped, taking deep breathes to calm myself down.

I told everything, every single thing he done how he misbehaved with me how he touched me with his dirty hands.

"What!! How dare he!! He dare to do this to my child!! Y/n don't worry mom will come tomorrow to ur college" She said patting my back gently. I just nodded my head.

"U go and sleep y/n have some rest" I did what she said, cause I want some sleep my head is paining so bad.

Next morning.

I held my mom's hand as we both made our way to the college.

"Mom im scared...he told me to not say anything"

"No y/n it's good that u said! " She said.

"But mom I'm worried what if he does something to u and dad" I said, holding her hands tightly in mine. Tears gathering in my eyes while I keep staring at her.

She smiled, caressing my cheeks wiping away my tears. "Nothing will happen y/n, mom will take care of it" She spoke with an assuring smile lingering on her lips.

I nodded at her words as we both gone inside the college. We stood infront of the principal's cabin, I stood shivering while my mom held my hand tightly, I was about to knock on the door but before I could my mom opened the door and pulled me with her.

I gasped once I saw his piercing gaze on me, i looked away, avoiding his gaze on me. My mom saw what he doing and pulled me behind her back while I hide myself. I heard his sinister laughter.

"Well well well what we have here" He smirks, resting his chin on his hand, his gaze never leaves on me.

"You!! How dare u misbehave with my child y/n!? I will complain u to police!! " My mother shouted at him, her voice laced with anger.

"Well what should I do.... " He paused, his eyes leaving me and he stares at my mom with an evil smirk. But what he said made me tremble in fear.

"I find ur daughter irresistible" He bit his lower lips seductively and smirks at my mom's reaction.

"U jerk!! My daughter never ever gonna study here!! " She screamed, holding my hand tightly dragging me with her. I turned to see him smirking.

Author pov.

Now y/n is sitting on her bed, recalling all those moments in her college...she thought that he won't disturb her again....but she doesn't know that the real danger comes from now.

Suddenly she heard some noised from the living room, she stood up walking towards the living room to find her father.

She smiled happily as she saw her father walking towards him and hugging him tightly.

"Dad I missed u so much" She said with a cute pout on her lips to which her father chuckled and pinched her cheeks, he needs to protect his precious daughter at any cost.

"Haha! My princess missed me that much" He teases. She nodded at his words, giggling.

"Ok dad is gonna fresh up Princess I'm all sweaty" He said, walking towards his room.

"Come fast dad we will eat together!! " She shouted as her dad replied with a "ok".

Y/n and her family were eating their dinner peacefully, happily talking among themselves, but they all turn their heads towards the 'thud sound from door, revealing the devil.

Kim taehyung.

To be continued...

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