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Kim taehyung pov.

I was sleeping but then someone disturbed my precious sleep which made me groan, I took my phone and saw the caller I'd.

"Sam! " I sighed.

"Hello" I voiced.

"Good morning boss! U have meeting, did u forgot? "  I exhaled a breath hearing him and I replied.

"Yeah I know" I declined the call.

I stretched a little and gone to the bathroom.

TAEHYUNG's outfit

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TAEHYUNG's outfit

I got ready, adjusting my suit.. Going down the stairs as I look at the maids and guards bowing down at me which make me smirk.

Where is my breakfast"  I asked, seeing the maid shivering hearing my cold and deep voice which made me proudly smirk.

"Here sir! "  The maid placed my food on the table as I began eating it.

Wiping my mouth with the tissue that the maid placed in front of me, I told the guards to get the car ready, fixing my suit walking towards my luxurious car the guards opened the car door for me as I sat inside and soon the car left to my office building.

Author pov...

The creaking sound of his opulent shoes reverberates, through the big company of his as the people who worked there saw him and gave him respect by bowing down at him..but he didn't care about that and made his way towards his cabin, looking like a handsome devil.

"Where is Sam? "  He asked his guard.

"Wait sir I will bring hi-"  He was interrupted by his boss.

"I will call him"  He took his phone and dialed his number.

In the meeting room

Taehyung was focused on the speech given by his partner, he agrees to the deal given by his partner and signed the contract.

"It's going to be a pleasure working with u mr. Kwan"  He said, the corner of his lips tugged up looking at the middle-aged man in front of him with dangerous eyes.

"Yes sir! I'm really contented to be working with u"  Mr. Kwan said with a nervous smile.

With some talks with Mr. Kwan, he asked Mr. Kim taehyung to join dinner with him, so taehyung accepted his offer.

Y/n pov..

Here I am standing in front of the huge gate of the seoul university, taking a deep breath fighting off my nervousness as I walked and soon stepped in front the principal's cabin and knocked on the door.

"Come in. " He said, slowly twisting the knob of the door I entered inside the cabin.

"Sir" I spoke softly with a smile.

"Oh" He adjusted his glasses. "U must be y/n...right?"  He paused.

"Yes sir! " I replied.

"So here is class number 123 "  He said wishing me for my first day at college. (123 classroom lol-)

"Thank u sir" I exist the room walking and walking and soon I reached the class.

I entered the class looking around for my seat and soon my eyes met with...

"RINA?!! " I literally shouted, but soon covered my mouth, controlling my excitement seeing my only best friend!

"Y/N?! " I hugged her tightly.

"Omg y/n I never imagined u here" She squealed in happiness, I giggled looking at her.

"I also never expected u here! " I continued my talks with her until our professor entered the class.


Author pov.

"Good morning professor "  They all wished their professor.

"Good morning please take ur seats"

"I'm ur professor and myself elsa"  (Sorry😅)

"Can u all introduce yourselves? " Elsa asked.

And soon enough all the students introduced themselves and the professor started taking lessons for them.


Author pov.

Y/n and rina gone to the canteen to order their lunch.

"What we're gonna order" Y/n asked.

"Ofc! Our favorite food"  Rina wiggled her eye brows amd y/n understood what she mean by it.

"CARBONARA PLEASE"  they both said in unison and giggled.

To be continued....

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