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Author pov.


Taehyung was resting his face in his hands, irritated by the fact that his doll escaped. He was sleeping on the bed, waking up to see his doll isn't there in his arms, sleeping like a baby he panicked and searched around the house only to know that she escaped.

He didn't go to his company too, he can't though he was so stressed he just wants to find her and keep her caged Iin his arms. Forever. And then give her a punishment so she won't escape from him again.

Taehyung was in his car, looking out of the car window, his face was blank- no expressions. He even told his guards to search her but they keep telling that they can't find her which made him damn angry.

He even gone to her parent's house but damn she is really clever she wasn't there too. He was in his deep thoughts when he heard a scream and the car suddenly stopped which made him sigh.

"What the fuck!! Can't u drive properly?! Are u fucking blind?! " He growled, irritated that he have to give those people money, he was already irritated and now this shit.

He got out of the car as he looked at the small girl lying on the road, groaning in pain but he was shocked.... He was doubting whether it was his doll or not.

He took his steps towards her, excited and his blood froze to see her, his precious doll. He softly touched her shoulder made her stand as she clenched his shirt tightly. His heart was beating fast to have her in his arms-finally.

She whimpered in pain as she hold his shirt tightly.

"Thank u sir-" She looked at him and froze.

"T-taehyung" She whispered, and he smiles .

"Finally you're again in my arms. " He caressed her chubby cheeks with his fingers tracing them. Her heart was beating fast she couldn't that here she was, trapped in his arms again.

"N-no!!! LEAVE ME!! I SAID LEAVE ME!! AH- " Taehyung picked her up on his shoulder, and walked towards his car, y/n struggled, cried and screamed loudly asking for help but suddenly people are acting like they are deaf.

He throwed her inside his car and locked it preventing her from escaping again. He took his phone and dialed a number. He spoke something and the call ended.

Within a few minutes a luxurious car stopped in front of him. The guards came out of the car and picked the wounded lady and kept her inside the car and the guards bowed at me as he nodded his head, sitting on the drive seat, he drove the car hearing her cries and whimpers.


He picked her up on his shoulder again as her shouts echoes throughout the mansion as he brings her to another room which is the basement.

The basement was a little clean but still messy and dark, the smell of rotten blood made her puke, he walked inside the room and placed her on the dirty floor, leaving her behind before saying.

"See u in tonight doll" He smirks darkly.

At night

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At night.

Author pov.

Taehyung didn't give her lunch or water as he let her starve so she can understand that she did the biggest mistake.

He opened the door as he sees her laying on the floor, dried tears were on her cheeks as she looks at the him weakly. He took his steps near her, she sat up and looked down.

"Doll why did escape from me" He says as he lifts her chin, staring at her fearful eyes. She sobbed, trying to get away from him, crawling back but she screamed loudly when he grabbed her swollen ankle, pulling her towards him.

He made her lay on the dirty floor and hovered over her, pinning her hands beside her head. Her sobs were loud as she struggles.

"Please leave m-me I beg u!! " She pleads pathetically, he chuckles and he leaved her wrists, his hands going towards his pants pockets as he takes a sharp knife.

𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕 𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎!

She looks at him with fearful eyes, her eyes looking at his hands which is holding the knife.

"What a-are u going to do to m-me" She stutters, gasping when he held her hands and kissed him.

"Nothing baby just a little punishment for being a bad girl for daddy~" He coos, bringing the sharp knife closer to her finger tips as he pressed the knife and dragged it, y/n helped in pain and struggled to free her hands.

"N-no it's hurts!! Ahh-" She cries, as he continued his painful acts, he brings her finger tips close to his mouth as he sucks on her fingers, moaning in delight.

She screams again when he held her swollen ankle, squeezing it tightly.

"NO!! PLEASE NOOO!!! " She screams, crying badly as he watched her cry and beg in front of him. He left her ankle and saw her ankle it was bright red in colour. He smiles sadistically.

He kept the knife in his pocket and ripped her dress from her shoulder as she screams more, trying to save herself from the devil.

To be continued...

HIS PRECIOUS DOLL •KTH•  ✓Where stories live. Discover now