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(𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚜 𝙰𝚋𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 )

Author pov.

He kept the knife in his pocket and ripped her dress from her shoulder as she screams more, trying to save herself from the devil.

He looked at her, she was a crying mess underneath him, she looks so beautiful under him, he thinks. He couldn't able to control it anymore. He pressed his lips on her soft lips roughly.

He sucked and bit her lips hard, moaning in between the kiss, his hands caressing every bit of her body as she cried loudly, pushing him away.

He chuckles, kissing her neck, licking and biting it leaving his marks behind. He looked at her neck in satisfaction, he caressed the red mark and whispered darkly.

"You're mine doll... Fucking mine"

He ripped her dress apart, she covered her chest as she pleads more.

"P-please n-no please.. " She begs but he didn't care as if he is deaf.

He smirks, holding her swollen ankle and she screamed, her hands immediately pushed him away, holding it and screaming at him.

"U FU*KING MONSTER!!! " He slapped her hard as she falls on the floor with a thud. She placed her hand on her bruised cheek as she let him rip her dress as he licks, bite, hit her and use her body as much he likes.


He laughs in delight as he finally made love to her. Y/n layed on the dirty floor, breathing heavily. Her body was bruised red, harsh bites and handprints were all over her body.

He picked her,made her wear her clothes, and placed on his lap, kissing her forehead as y/n rest her head on his chest.

"Why u did this taehyung" She says in her weak voice but he didn't answer, humming some random tune, holding her.

Taehyung heard a knock on the door as he shouted. "What!! "

He saw how she visibly flinched in his arms as he coos and caress her hair. "Nothing happened princess"

A guard entered the room as he said.

"Boss the lady you told-"

"Oh that Lady keep her in the torture room"

Y/n raised her head to look at him. What he meant by torture room? That Lady? Who is that?

"It's nothing doll don't worry" He pecks her lips and picked her up.

"Bring two chairs and two ropes and tie the Lady in one chair and leave the other chair free" He ordered his guard as he nodded and leaves the room to complete his work.


Taehyung held his doll in his arms as he saw the tied up Lady and smirks.

"Doll you know this Lady right~" He says, nuzzling in the crook of her neck.

"N-no I don't " She whispers, he puts her down on her feet as he lifts the lady's head up.

"Now? " He smirks as he saw how his doll got scared, seeing the lady's face.


"Yea your aunty who helps u in escaping" He says, mockingly laughing darkly.

His eyes darkened as she got on her knees, begging him to let her go.

" p-please leave her please I'm b-begging you." He chuckles, shaking his head, he picks her up, placing her on the chair and tied her up.

"So this Lady helped u right" He finished tieing her up and smirks. He takes a sharp knife and walked towards the Lady.

"Tae please!! She didn't done anything!! Please leave her! I will do anything u say but please leave her! Punish me! "

He laughs creepily at her words and said.

"Then what is the fun baby and now let the fun begin"

He says as he took the tape from the lady's mouth, she begs to let her go but did he care? Nope. He pressed the sharp knife and dragged it along her cheeks as she screams painfully...


He laughs like kid as he cuts the lady's dead body happily. Y/n continued screaming and thrashing in the chair. Fresh tears flow from her eyes as she screamed.

"I HATE U!!!! DID U HEARD ME?! I HATE U SO MUCH-" a loud slap echoed throughout the room.

"Oh so my doll hates me....U HAVE THE GUTS TO SAY U HATE ME?!! "

He screams loudly like a psycho, she flinched as he walked and grabbed her chin in a harsh manner.

" My doll you are mine you're my obsession a dark one and you can't leave me and even if u did.. "

He stared deep into her terrified eyes.

"Then I don't think twice to kill u too doll.. If I can't have u then no one can"

"You're mine.. Only mine"

 Only mine"

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