Authors Note!

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Hi guys it's me, Zen, the author of this fanfic! A couple things before we start:

1. Within a chapter, anything in bold is an author's note and not part of the story.

2. There IS angst—descriptions of violence, blood, self-doubt, PTSD and more.. Warnings will be put, but be cautious if these topics trigger you. I will try to put summaries for heavy angst sections so you can skip over it if you want to read the story without those descriptions.

3. There will be some fluff and ABSOLUTELY NO SMUT or anything sexual because Luz and Amity are 14.

4. Heads up I ask for votes at the bottom of each chapter.. sorry lol. Votes give me motivation and when I'm reading an interesting story I often forget to vote, so I leave the note as a reminder if ya'll are enjoying the story!

7. Also I drew the cover, what do you think? :O

Anyway I think that's all, hope you enjoy!

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