4 - Welcome Home

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Guys I was able to watch the new episodes! :) Luz and Amity fighting together is soo amazing and adorable!

Luz POV:

When we got back to the owl house, we were instantly greeted by King.

"Boo boo buddy!" He said joyfully, till his face turned to a pout, "Took you long enough, Eda refused to get me a cookie."

A grumpy Eda rolled over from her position on the couch to look at us, "I was tired! Hooty got into a puddle of mud and I didn't feel like going out to get you a cookie afterwards, King."

Both me and Amity shivered. We knew the stories of cleaning Hootie, and they weren't good stories.

"Hmmph" mumbled King crossing his arms, walking over to me and grabbing my leg.

"Well what else did you do with boots? I noticed you two dropped off your projects earlier," asked Eda.

"Oh we went to Monster Grill," I said.

"And you didn't get me anything!?" Said Eda pretending to be hurt.

King who was actually disappointed said, "Betrayal!" Before letting go of my leg and grabbing his bunny, "Come on Sir Francis let's get a snack for ourselves!"

Amity chuckled at King, and I couldn't help but smile at the grumpy little demon.

I suddenly got a bright idea, "I'll be back! Imma see if Eda has any movies from her collection of human goods."

I rushed out of the room toward the closet before either of them could say anything.

Eda POV: (ooh new pov :O)

"Do you know what a 'movie' is?" I turned toward the Blight.

"No idea."

I shrugged my shoulders and was gonna go lay back down on the couch, but there was something about Boots that was throwing me off.

She was holding her arm and swinging her foot back and forth, which she often does around adults for some reason. But there was something else, earlier this morning I swear I saw slits in her eyes as if from a curse. Yet I don't know how the Blight would've been cursed, especially since she's just a child and not to mention her family would never let it happen.

"So when are you going to stop being awkward around me, Boots?" I asked, ending the silence.

She looked up at me tucking her hair behind her ear, "Oh sorry Miss Clawthorne. I guess it's just because uhh—me and Luz are together and.." Her voice trailed off. It seemed like a valid explanation, but for some reason I felt like there was something else..

"Oh don't worry 'bout it," I said hoping the girl would be comfortable around me eventually. I was a bit worried about her. She always seemed so nervous around adults.

"Do you mind checking on King?" I asked, "He always manages to get himself caught in something."

She nodded walking toward the kitchen. Almost as soon as she left Luz came back holding a few rectangular boxes. I don't know what it is with humans and rectangles..

"EDA! AMITY!" Yelled Luz, "I found some movies!"

"Boots is checking on King," I said, "She'll be back in a jiffy."

"Hmm ok."

I turned toward Luz on a more serious note, "Luz, do you know what's going on with Amity?"

Luz POV:

I knew Eda was being serious when she didn't call Amity by one of her many nicknames, but I didn't know what she meant, "What do you mean?" I asked.

"She seems nervous around me and around most adults really," replied Eda.

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