1 - Tomorrow Morning

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There are POV switches fairly frequently, sorry! Also tips are welcomed as this is my first fanfic :P (but enjoy!)

Amity POV:

I lay in bed still sleepy and reluctant to leave. 5 more minutes wouldn't hurt..

"MITTENS! Wakey, wakey!" I heard Em's voice shouting from the hall.

"Wow, I can't believe I lived to see the day our little sister would sleep in" said Ed, opening the door.

I was not in the mood, "You would be tired too if you had to deal with—" I paused and pulled the blanket closer to me.

My siblings looked at each other and then back at me.

"I can go fetch your toy.."

"ED! Not the time!" Said my sister.

"What? I was just trying to lighten the mood."

I just groaned at them. Ed's comment made me smile, but I didn't dare let them see it.

"Alright, sorry Mittens. We'll leave you be," said Ed apologetically.

"Mhm. Call us if you need anything!"

With that they closed the door and left. I debated on calling after them but didn't feel up to it. I was thinking about going back to sleep till I looked at the time "10:30." Sheesh, my parents would not have been happy finding I slept in so late, luckily they were away on a business trip.

I pulled the covers off myself; I knew I should get up, as I wanted to go visit Luz and see if the portal had worked. I had wanted to go yesterday, but.. Oh great how will I explain this to Luz. What if she hates me?

Luz POV:

"EDA! Wake up!" I don't understand how she manages to sleep so much.

"Kid why are you up so early?"

"It's 12."

"Oh.. Fine I guess I'll get up, but we're not doing any portal shenanigans until I have my apple blood."

"Eda, I was calling you for breakfast, it's almost ready."

"Mmm! In that case, I'll be there in a sec."

I went back to cooking fish.. or at least I think it's fish. Best not to worry about what it could be, we'll just leave it as fish.

Eda walked into the kitchen, "And you'd better tell me what happened in the human realm. You know you suck at lying. You avoided almost all of my questions yesterday." Her words stung a bit, and not because she said I was bad at lying.. Although I can't believe she would say that about my clearly amazing deception skills!

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I smiled back and laughed at her, maybe she'd buy it. I still hadn't figured out how to tell them about the promise I had made. Eda raised her eyebrows at me. Well it was worth a try. "Alright" I said, slowly sitting down at the table.

She stared at me while sipping her apple juice, waiting for me so say something, but I couldn't seem to muster up the right words.

"Spill the beans, Luz!" Shouted King as he walked toward us, "The King of Demons commands you!"

"Since when were you awake?" Asked Eda, looking back at the little demon.

I smiled at King until his adorableness was interrupted by Hootie, "HoOT! Luz, your mean friend is here."

"Watch it bird tube." I heard Amity's voice, she was almost hissing at Hootie.. literally.

The door opened. "Oh hey, Luz! Sorry I couldn't help much yesterday, I—"

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