6 - Roaring Thoughts

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YOOO, guess what guys! We're on chapter 6 and we are finally on day 2, it's now Monday in the story. Also there is more self doubt this chapter so please read carefully if these topics trigger you.

Luz POV:

I woke up in the middle of my sleep. I looked at my phone—6:12. Well, it's early, but I didn't feel like going back to bed. I went to the bathroom and turned on the lights. I faced the mirror, unsure of who I saw. I felt like doubting myself again but knew I shouldn't, "Everything is fine, just put on a smile. You're alright."

I smiled—the best smile I could muster up. I would see Amity at school. She doesn't have all the time in the world, of course.. she must have been busy and had to leave right away. I brushed my teeth and got dressed. I slowly opened the door. There was not a sound in the house—Just silence.. silent emptiness. In that moment I felt completely alone.

I sighed and got started on making breakfast. Just some eggs and sausa—sausrage? I think that's what it was called. Boiling Isles foods are weird. I finished and looked at the clock—6:46. I knew Eda wouldn't be up for another 30 minutes to an hour, so I ate my share of the food and put the rest in the cupboard.

I sat on the couch and stared out the window. Feeling the need to do something, I got up. I tore a piece of paper out of the notebook I usually use for glyphs and wrote a note on it:

Hi Eda, it's Luz. I'm going out for a walk, but breakfast is in the cupboard. I'll head straight to school from my walk. Don't worry about me! I'm fine, just woke up early. See you later! Bye.

I stared at it for a sec before shrugging, "That's good enough." I put the note on the counter; went to my room to grab my school stuff, and opened the door. I looked outside with a sense of determination. "Today will be a good day," I said to myself, though something inside me said otherwise..

I walked through the woods. Soon I was by the part of the forest that was just outside Blight Manor. I looked up at the ginormous building, debating on sneaking into Amity's room. I decided against it; I'd see her at school—I shouldn't bother her. As I walked away, a felt a sense of pull toward the manor as if it wanted me to go. I ignored the instinct and started walking away faster than before. You will just risk messing things up.

Willow POV: (we're getting a lot of variety in POVS lately :D)

I usually go to school early to tend to my plants, but I saw another student approaching. It was.. "Wait, Luz?"

She turned around looking a bit off today, but she smiled and waved at me, "Oh, hi willow!!"

I walked toward her, "What are you doing here so early?"

"Oh, I just woke up early and decided I might as well head to school."

I eyed her suspiciously as a smirk grew on my face, "You know, Amity won't be here this early."

"Yeah I know."

Her cheeks wore a rosy tint as she started walking inside; I followed. She seemed quieter than usual.. or maybe I was just more talkative. Who knows sometimes. It's all relative.

"How did the portal go?" I asked.

She jumped up as if she forgot—"Oh right, the portal. It.. it went alright. I was only able to make a makeshift one that lead to a world between worlds. I hav—I haven't been able to go back to the human realm fully, but I was able to see and talk to mi mama.

Is that why she's sad? "Oh that's great Luz! Sorry that I wasn't able to help, but I'm sure we'll be able to get a working one soon."

She nodded and smiled before continuing to walk, but there was still slightly less bounce in her step than usual, slightly less light in her eyes, but I didn't know what it was that bothered her. I decided to leave her some space, so we put our things in our lockers and went to the greenhouse without a word.

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