14 - In the Heat of it All

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Yoo.. it's another chapter!! There are some references to/implications of previous angst moments in previous chapters, so read carefully. They're not super major and there won't be flashbacks BUT I'm still mentioning it because I don't want ya'll to be uncomfortable.. (It's in the first few lines so scroll down a little if you need) --other than that, enjoy!! 

Alador POV:

We took Odalia home.. back to the manor. Specifically, we locked her in the basement. Yes, the same one. I think Eda's face paled when she saw the place.. blood-stained walls, chains on the floor, no light other than the small crack in the ceiling where water dripped from.

"Can I make the walls red with her blood this time?" I turned around as Emira looked straight ahead, no emotion in her voice, no feeling in her eyes, a cold stare that could challenge my wife's. I looked around and noted that Ed was not there.

"Can I join you in that, green girl?" Asked Eda with equal lack of emotion.

I ignored both of them, "Where's Ed?"

"He took the others to get some food," replied my daughter who then approached me and whispered in my ear, "He said the others shouldn't see this place."

"Do they know?" I asked curiously.

Eda shook her head in reply, "The kid needs to tell them when she's ready. No one else can."

I nodded, "You're right."

I took one last look at my unconscious wife and closed the door, locking it with magic.

"Will that hold her?" Asked Em.

I turned around and sighed, staring directly into her eyes with unforgiving bluntness, "No."


"So anyone want something to eat, drink. Maybe a massage?!" I chuckled nervously, "Conner knows how to give really good massages!" I elbowed the abomination next to me who nodded in reply.

Gus, Willow, and Viney stared at me unmoved. Their silence was practically screaming, "Seriously? That's what we're talking about right now?"

I sighed, "So we gonna talk or.."

"How 'bout we get a better explanation than 'Quick Luz and Amity need help. There's a beserk Mrs. Blight on the loose. No time for explanation!'" Said Viney, raising her eyebrows.

I couldn't help but smile slightly, "That's what the Owl Lady told you!"

"Yes! Now get to explaining!" Said Willow, "Maybe by telling us where Luz and Amity are?!"

Even Gus chimed in, "Yeah! What they said."

"Wow," I shifted nervously as my heartbeat quickened, "Eda really unintentionally through this on me, huh?"

The three stares I received were not comforting to say the least. I knew in my heart they weren't trying to be mean, but their anger, concern, and fear were all mixed together in one huge expression of pity--unbearable pity.

"They're at the Owl House," I said slowly, "The real one. Not the illusion Mrs. Blight was heading towards."

"They okay there?" Asked Gus.

I nodded, "They're safe."

"Ed," started Viney, "You're missing a large piece of the puzzle here." I looked at her. She knows about what Amity is, and she clearly isn't happy being kept in the dark.

"You know it's not that easy for me to say this--" pause I swallowed my words hard. What does she expect me to do? How could I tell her everything while not telling the other two about the secret Amity has hidden from them their entire lives?

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