13 - Mother Unhinged

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EHhh! Look I'm posting at a good frequency again :P This chapter's starting to get intense! Lots of action. Maybe a fight scene? *cough cough* But again no angst warnings! Although there is a mildly crazy Odalia..

Alador POV:

We all knew what the plan was, or well at least somewhat.

"Blight boy, green girl," yelled Edalyn, "You two are house cloak duty. If Hooty yells at you, ignore him."

"Got it chief!" saluted Ed.



"How long can you Odalia for?"

"As long as you need."

Edalyn looked at me as if doubting my capabilities, but I knew that this time--I could do it. She nodded, "Good because I'm getting back-up."

I wasn't sure what she meant and I didn't get to ask. Edalyn flew off in an instant to who knows where. She clearly had a plan. Did I know what it was? No, but I guess we'll find out.

"Dad?" I turned to look at Emira.

"Yes Em."

"What's the plan?"

"Cloak the house, distract your mother, and protect your sister."

"That's specific," she was clearly not anxious about the whole scenario."

"I know," I replied just as anxious myself, "Just roll with it."

"So come up with a plan along the way," asked Ed.

"Sure as long as it stays within the origi—"

Before I even finished they flew faster ahead in sync. Well at least that got a better idea of what they're doing than I do. Now where's Odalia..

Edric POV:

Ed and I flew off faster toward the Owl House. Should we have explained things to dad? Maybe.. but that was besides the point.

"So cloak the house and uncloak another house," I said flying next to Em.

She smiled, "Odalia can't find Amity if she's looking in a building that's not even there.

I returned the smile, but I was honestly terrified. I never imagined I'd be doing this.. At least we got some sort of a plan.

Em snapped me back into reality, "Alright, so I go cloak the house and you go recreate one?"

"Uhm," I paused, "Can we both go cloak the real one first? I wanna see Amity."

Ed nodded, "Yeah, I like that idea. But let's not tell her about what's going on."

"No.. let's not do that."

We both picked up speed and headed toward the Owl House, careful to make sure Odalia wasn't nearby to follow us. I knew one day we'd defy mom, but this was not how it played out in my head.

In my head, dad finally had enough of her and kicked her out of the house. Then when she tried to come back, I kicked her in the stomach, and she left. That's how it played out in my head--a triumphent smile forming on my lips as she turned her shady figure away from us forever. That's how it played out in my head--us being happy together without fear of the person I used to call my mother. But now I knew that would never happen. She would never leave us alone, not as long as we held the Blight name, the thing that mattered the most to her over everything else in the world--more than I would ever matter to her.

I grasped my teeth together in anger, fear had left altogether.


I turned to see my sister who looked nothing but concerned.

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