9 - At Blight Manor

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AhaHahAHAH! What's this.. a new chapter—with LUZ... hmm, I wonder if she will find out. Hmmm (not obvious foreshadowing hmm) Anyhow, no warnings today, unless you want a warning for fluff.. so in that case—beware of some fluff :) Also this is the first chapter that's over 3,000 words WHOA. We've reached a milestone!! Welp, I don't know what else to say, so.. enjoy!!

Luz POV: (Back in time a tad to when the twins were leaving Hexside)

I watched Ed and Em fly away as they must not have heard me yelling—or did they.. Were they just igorning me? No matter the reason, it didn't change the fact that they were in a hurry.. and anyone who has read Sherlock Holmes would know that "every task... has the potential to contain multitudes" or in my case—answers. That's an actual quote from the book and no I have not actually read it lol.

Unfortunately I couldn't get those answers yet. I'd have to wait for Owlbert to arrive, and he'd be coming to take me home.. not to Blight Manor. But I firmly decided that I needed to go to Blight Manor, because of Bump's request and because of the way too suspicious twins. I guess I could ask Owlbert if he'd take me there.

I kept thinking of all the possibilites as to why Amity wasn't at school today when I was interrupted by Owlbert landing on my shoulder.

"Oh, hi Owlbert!" I said, "Say, what if you and I went on an adventure?"

He tilted his little head at me.

"Just to Blight manner, it's not fa—"

Owlbert instantly flew off my shoulder clearly not wanting to go.

Students walked by—some getting on their palismen, others talking with their friends, some with their noses in a book. I looked in the direction of Blight Manor as I thought of what to do.

I turned back to Owlbert for a last pitiful attempt to convince him, "Oh come on, you can just bring me there. You don't have to stay."

He simply glared back at me.

I sighed, "Just tell Eda where I'm going, would ya? I'll walk there since you're too scared to come."

Owlbert looked like he was going to protest but decided against it. He nodded at me before flying off.

I was about to head toward Blight Manor but was caught by Willow.

"Oh Luz!" She said, "I didn't know you were still here."

"Oh yeah," I said awkwardly, "I was just going to walk ho—"

"To Blight Manor?"

I stared at Willow.

She smiled at me, "You're kinda predictable, Luz."

"Well, Bump did say—"

"You would've gone wether or not Bump told you to check on Amity."

I smiled, "I guess I would have."

"Well, I'm not comfortable enough to go there with you, but I'm sure Clover would be happy to drop you off!"

Her palisman turned into a staff at my hands.

"I—thanks," I said smiling, "You always have what I need."

She smiled back at me before raising an eyebrow, "No detours Luz, I still need to get home."

I saluted her, "Ma'am, yes ma'am!"

She rolled her eyes and pushed me, "Alright go already!"

I hopped on Clover and waved goodbye to Willow as I headed in the direction of Blight Manor.

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