12 - Unwelcome Return

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Guys.. hi. I don't even know what to say. I'm so so sorry. I just fell off the grid completely, barely even implying that there would be a delay in updates. I mean it's been FIVE MONTHS- oh my gosh, where did the time go!? I don't know what else to say, a lot of things have happened with me since five months but now I'm hoping to make my return starting with this shorter filler/build-up chapter. (No warnings today it's a calmer.. well kinda calmer chapter.) Enjoy! I will hopefully get to replying to all the comments I missed soon..

Mystery POV:

"That should do the trick."

"You sure?"

I stared back at Mrs. Blight. She paid well but was certainly a pain to deal with.

"Yes, how do you feel?"



"Strong." The way she said that made my skin crawl.

"So do you feel better?" I asked, trying to understand.

"I feel, whole."

She's so dramatic. I just nodded plainly at her and showed her to the door. I wanted nothing to do with whatever she was getting into. How would all so famous, Mrs. Blight, get cursed in the first place? Well, it didn't concern me. My days of worrying about everyone are over. I'm content living out my days here, and Mrs. Blight's payment will last me for years here.

I retired my old business a long time ago in favor for curing people and assisting in little ways. It felt right to lift a curse off of someone—like taking a weight off their shoulders, but somehow curing Mrs. Blight felt so.. so wrong. Like I just made a huge mistake.

Odalia POV:

I left the potion witch to her brewing—or whatever it is that she was doing, and wandered through the woods back towards home.

Was this what it was like to feel normal? How could I have lived all those years feeling so.. weak. I drew a spell circle and aimed at a tree.


"Well.. too bad," I said watching the ashes fly and the burnt tree bark decay, "There's plenty more trees to go around."

I smiled slightly to myself. I realized that for years my magic had felt as if there was something draining it—weakening it, covering it. I now felt power running through my veins. I'm not entirely sure what that old witch did or used to cure me, but clearly, she was a powerful witch—too bad she turned out like this.

That's not of my concern, surely the tip I gave sat with her quite well. Hmmph. People will do anything for the right price.

I tried a few more spells, noticing how much easier they were to perform and also how much stronger I could perform them. I started to wonder if it was abnormal.. no matter. It was going to be late soon and I wanted to get home. I flew on a witches' palisman the rest of the journey back; it wasn't a short journey. I let my thoughts flow freely as the wind flew by me.

"I wonder if the potion witch can cure Amity?"

Emira POV:

Ed and I were flying back to the manor.



"Can I talk to you."

"Sure.." He replied a bit skeptically.

"About dad—"

"I know, I know," he interrupted, "I overreacted. It's just.." He sighed. "It's just that night, watching Amity run out, seeing how he reacted, or how he didn't react, and then Miss Clawthorne so quickly taking Amity in and how caring she is with Luz.. I guess, I don't know. I—"

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