Norman Reedus

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You and Norman have been friends since 6th grade. You have supported him through everything.

You have been to every stalker con, any kind of con he has been to. You have been to most of his photo shoots, because he asked you.

You spent every sunday night watching the walking dead. Well because he was in it, but when it was the end of the season. You still spent every sunday night, almost every sunday night.

You guys were two peas in a pod. You guys would flirt with eachother. Most of the time he calls you before he goes to sleep.

But you weren't dating, you weren't married. You weren't together in general, you were just real good friends.

You liked him though, but it seemed like he didn't like you back. Which kind of disappointed you, but you were still there for him.

He has a girlfriend, he is now spending more time with her. He still keeps in contact with you, but not as much.

He calls you up.

"Hey (Y/N) my girlfriend are going on a date wanna tag along?"
"Nah, I'll be third wheeled"
"No you won't I promise"
"Fine, since you promised"
"We will pick you up at 8"
"Ok see ya"

You hang up, you knew you were gonna be third wheeled in a way. You look at the clock and see you have 30 minutes. You quickly get ready.

You wear skinny jeans, and you put on the red and blue plaid shirt that Norman gave to you. You put your black combat boots on. You thought putting the plaid shirt was to much, but you shrug and say nah.

You put on your makeup, what happens if you crashed into a hot guy along the way. Who knows! That made a smile come on your face.

You hear a knock on your apartment door, you turn off your TV. And you run to the door you open the door. There's Norman, wearing a tux.

"Over did it, huh?" You laugh. "You killed it, she is wearing a dress and I'm wearing a tux and you're wearing that" he jokingly laughs.

"What? Do I have to change into a dress?" I ask him.

"No you look great" he laughs. "Plus it would look like you were a bachelor deciding who should be his wife" you laugh.

He shrugs and laughs "you are such a player" you teasingly push his shoulder.

"Norman, (y/n) come on we got reservation" his girlfriend complains from down the hall.

"Can I stay home?" You ask "nope" he says grabbing your wrist and pulls you out of your apartment. He closes the door behind you.

"So far your girl seems to be that 'be on time' type of person. Not your type" you laugh jokingly.

He laughs with you, his girlfriend gives you a nasty look. "I'm (y/n)" you smile, you put out your hand for her to shake it.

She glares at you and doesn't answer. I sure hope she doesn't treat Norman like this, you think to yourself. "Bitch" you quietly say under your breath.

Norman pushes you "I heard that" he laughs. You look at him with a shocked face.


You get to the fancy restaurant, people are wearing tuxes, dresses. Then there was you, you liked standing out from the crowd. You didn't feel embarrassed, which was good.

You sit down at your table across from Norman and his girlfriend.

The waiter comes to take out orders "I'll have a salad with an ice tea" Norman's girl says.

"I'll have fish, with water" Norman says. You wanted to laugh, fancy didn't seem like Norman.

The waiter looks at me. "I'll have ribs with {your favorite soda}" you smile.

"Sorry we don't have ribs" the waiter gives me a sympathetic look. "Wait what?!" You freak out. "Steak?" You ask. "We have steak, is that what you want?" The waiter asks. You nod your head yes.

"This place sucks" you mumble. "Norman, why are you eating fancy?" You ask him.

"It's polite" he smiles. "Hey chick, what did you do to Norman?" You ask.

"Nothing" she giggles. You roll your eyes. Your food comes to your table. You eat your steak and drink your soda.


"(Y/N) go to the park we always went to, when we were in 8th grade" he whispers in your ear. You nod your head and you walk to the park.

When you get there you sit on the swing. You just swing until he would get here.

He comes from behind you and pushes you on the swing scaring you. "Gosh Norman! You scared me" you say.

He laughs at you, "I don't like that girl" you complain.

"Either did I, seeing the way she was to you" he complains with you still pushing you on the swing.

"Are you guys still together?" You ask.

"Nope, not anymore. Her and I both saw it wasn't working out" he tells you.

"Was it cause of me?" You ask. "No" he pushes the swing. "Good, plus she was very fancy" you say in a fake british accent.

"Tell me about it" he says in a british accent. It causes both of you to laugh.

"Norman if I tell you something, promise me it won't ruin our friend ship." You plead to him. "I promise" he says.

"I like you, more than a friend" you mumble. "Huh?" He asks stopping the swing.

"Never mind" you say looking at the ground. "Stand up" he orders you in a funny voice. You stand up, he sits down on the swing. He laughs, you pout at him.

He pats his tighs for me to sit on his lap. "We're gonna break the swing" you tell him.

"Hey don't ruin the moment" he complains. You laugh.

You roll your eyes and you sit on his lap, the swing didn't break....yet. "What did you say earlier?" He asks you.

"I said I like you more than a friend" you say laying your head on to his chest.

"I like you to, and more than a friend" he tells you.

Ooo! I'm so mean leaving it at this. I hope you enjoyed this long Norman Chapter!

Winchesters, Misha Collins, Norman Reedus imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now