Norman Reedus

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You put your hand on the new bruise your boyfriend gave you. He was abusive to you. You never blamed him for abusing you, he was always drunk and didn't know what he was doing.

If you told anyone he said he would kill you. Which means You never told your best friend, Norman.

Norman would probably flip his shit if he knew. He is over protective over you. He cared for you like an actual boyfriend should.

Your boyfriend was out drinking, it left you sometime to heal before he got home. You get a call. It was Norman, thank goodness.

"Hi!" You say.

"Hey (y/n), are you busy?" He questions.

"No" you tell him.

"Wanna come over for some pizza?" He asks.

"Of coarse!" You smile.

"You can come over anytime, I would say now so you can get the pizza while it is warm" he chuckles.

"OK be over in a few" you smile more.

You liked Norman, you wanted to be with him. But you were to scared to break up with your boyfriend.

You get cleaner clothes on, you wear a blue long sleeve shirt to cover up the bruises and scars. And along with black pants and black combat boots.

You get into your pick up truck and drive over to Norman's house.


You knock on his door. He opens the door, as soon he opens the door he hugs you. You hug him back with a little giggle.

"We haven't seen each other in a long time!" He tells you as he pulls you away. "You're telling me" you smile. You walk into his house and to the kitchen.

"The pizza is in the living room" Norman chuckles as you turn towards the living room.

"I knew that" you act smart. You sit on the couch and make yourself at home. Norman sits next to you.

"So how is the show going?" You ask him.

"It's going great!" He smiles brightly.

"That's good" you smile grabbing for a piece of pizza.

"Anything new with you?" He asks.

"No....nope" you tell him eating your pizza. You look down at the wall, there was a spider. You freak out dropping the pizza on your shirt. Norman laughs as he grabs a napkin and hands it to you.

He kills the spider and you pick up the pizza putting it on Normans plate. You didn't wanna put it on the coffee table.

"This is why God invented plates" he chuckles.

"I know, I just didn't wanna use one" you laugh.

"I'll go get you one of my shirts" he laughs but says in a tried voice.

You giggle, it was sweet of him to let you borrow one of his shirts. He comes back and hands it to you.

It was short sleeved.....

"Norman can I have a long sleeved shirt please" you ask politely.

"There all dirty" he tells me. "Do you not like that shirt?" He questions.

"I do I'm just cold" you lie.

"I'll get a blanket for you, just got change" he smiles walking to go get a blanket for you. You go into the bathroom and change your shirt. You look in the mirror to see if you could see the bruises. You could barely notice them in this lighting.

Hopefully he won't be able to see the bruises.

You walk out the bathroom with your pizza stained shirt in your hands. "I'll go clean that for you" he smiles.

"You're being to nice! Are you sick?" You joke with him.

"Very funny" he says in a sarcastic voice but then laughs.

You hand him the shirt, you notice him looking at your arms.

"What happened to you?" He questions his face goes serious but with a tint of sadness.

"I fell down the stairs" you lie.

"No seriously, plus I know when your lying" he rises an eyebrow. "You can tell me the truth you know" he gave a faint smile.

You look into his eyes dropping your pizza stained shirt. Tears stream down your eyes.

"What is it?" He asks. You hug him crying into his chest.

"I can't tell" you sobbed into his chest.

"You can tell me anything, come on" he rubs your back with his strong hands.

"You don't understand" you whimper.

"Then tell me so I can understand" he talks in a sympathetic voice.

"My boyfriend..." Is all you get out.

"Your boyfriend?" He questions.

"" You finally got out. His hand stops running your back.

"He has been abusing you?" His voice hardens of anger. You cried harder into his shoulder.

"Why didn't you tell me? (Y/n) I'm sorry! Where is he? I'm gonna teach him a lesson" Norman says as he let's you go. You put your hand on his shoulder.

"Norman no, he said he would k-kill me if I told anyone" you cry more. Tears blurred some of your vision.

"(Y/n) he has been hurting you! You don't want him to learn a god damn lesson? How long has this been going on?" He asks coming back to you wrapping you in his arms.

"For about a year now" more tears fight to stream down your face. He kisses your head.

"I would've protected you. I'm gonna protect you. All you needed to do was tell me. Everything will be alright I'll keep you safe I promise you. We need to give him the karma he deserves. If you won't let me handle it I will call the cops on him." He tells you with a voice that seemed like he was about to cry to.

"I don't want you to get hurt if you teach him a lesson. I just need to stay with you" you tell him.

"I'll keep you safe no matter what. I promise" he kisses your head.

Sorry I hope it was good I tried my best! beyond_the_limit2 I hope you liked it. Sorry it was slow moving in the beginning.

Winchesters, Misha Collins, Norman Reedus imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now