Sam Winchester

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Dean was out of town and Sam had no place to go so you offered him to stay at your place until Dean came back. Sam was a good friend to you. You live in a motel and you only had one bed....

"There is no food in here!" Sam complains to you.

"Lets go get dinner than" you groan playfully. Sam walks over to you and helps you up from the bed. You guys order Chinese food, it was the closest to the motel.

You go get the food with Sam then you walk home. You told him a funny story about your childhood. He told you funny stories about his hunts he had in his life.

You both laughed almost all the way home. You get to your motel room and you set the bag on your table, where you normally eat.

You sit at the table and Sam sits across from you, you both talk some more laughing and eating. You have never laughed this much in day. Sam always seems to make you laugh no matter what.

He made your rainy days turn into sunny day.

You both finish dinner, you go to the bathroom to put your pajamas. You come out of the bathroom to see Sam passed out on your bed, were you really in the bathroom for that long?

You cover Sam up, realizing his legs hung over your bed. You let out a quiet giggle. You lay on the couch and make the pillow more comfortable for your head and you cover up in your blanket that laid on the couch.

You close your eyes.

"(Y/N)!!" Sam yells, your head shoots up quickly. You get off the couch and run to your bed. Sams eyes were closed.

"Sam? You alright?" You ask even though he was sleeping. His eyes open and looks at you.

"Can you sleep with me" he gives you puppy eyes.

"Of coarse i can" you say moving the covers and getting into bed and cover yourself up. Sam pulls you close to him, he hugged you as you lay your head on his chest and you lay your arm on his stomach.

"I love you" he mumbles.

"I love you to" you mumble back.

Winchesters, Misha Collins, Norman Reedus imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now