Dean and Cas

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Yes, i'm adding Cas in this imagine, if he should have his own chapter let me know:)

You, Cas and your boyfriend Dean went to Mcdonalds for dinner. You finish the last of your fries, and see Cas hasn't finished his fries.

"You gonna eat that?" You ask Cas with your mouth half full of fries. "No" he says handing it to you. You eat the fries, you were starving after having a long hunt.

You finish the fries, "I love you baby" Dean says breaking the silence. "I love you to" you smile happily, your eyes start to get heavy. You try to keep your eyes open for as long as you can. Dean turns the radio up a little not to loud.

You lay down in the back seat, you stare at Dean. Even though he didn't notice. Oh boy, he was hot. You felt so lucky to have him as a boyfriend. You start to close your eyes and then you fall asleep.


You feel cold lips touch your forehead, but you stayed asleep. You were picked up, by Dean, and carried into the motel room. Dean put you on the bed and covered you up and tucked you in, he gave you a kiss on the forehead.

"Goodnight baby" he whispers. "Bye" Cas says and leaves. Dean crawls onto the bed and lays next to you. His head lays on your chest. "Goodnight honey" you whisper. But he was already asleep by the time you said it.

Winchesters, Misha Collins, Norman Reedus imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now