Sam Winchester

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Sam and you were going to this fake haunted house you have been begging him to go to.

You drive to the haunted house, you were nervous and excited. You were excited because you were going with Sam.

You find a parking space and you get out the car, you grab his hand. You walk up to a line, you start to shake from nervousness.

Sam hugs you, "don't be scared" he says kissing your forehead. "Psh, I'm not thag scared im just nervous" you laugh.

"Ok" he laughs. You get closer and closer to getting to go into the haunted house. You talked Sams ear off while you waited.

Then you come to silence as soon as you guys were the next to go into the house.

"You gugs may go in" says the guy. You tightly hold on to Sam's hand and you walk to the front door. He opens the door for you and you walk in, you walk tightly next to his side.

Out of no where Jason pops out scaring you, you walk behind Sam. But Jason followed you for a little then walked back. "Sam!" You giggle.

"You must be scared" he laughs. Then something pops out the wall, scaring Sam.

"So I am scared?" You laugh, "hey it popped out of nowhere" he points out.

"So did Jason!" You tell him, he laughs at you. But you laugh with him.

Things popped out of nowhere scaring you mostly but not so much Sam. You laughed at eachother here and there. He made this fun.

You guys finish walking through the haunted house. "Sam can you sleep at my house tonight with me please?" You ask him.

"Yes" he chuckles.

Winchesters, Misha Collins, Norman Reedus imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now