Dean Winchester

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This was requested! Fyi, the person who requested it, I was told not to say there name, says that it is not gonna be like the one that is on the show. Sorry about it guys. And I forgot the whole episode of everybody loves clowns. I have a bad memory. I hope you enjoy, fyi there will be a death just sayin. And I mostly made some people up, this is way different from The show I apologize.

"Dean!" You look around the house. "Boo!" He comes out of no where and you jump of fear.

"For goodness sake! You scared the shit out of me!" You shake. "Sorry" he apologies kissing your lips. You kiss back and he breaks the kiss after a while.

"Babe, I don't feel safe with you going on a hunt. And I won't be there" Dean complains. "Dean I'll be fine, I'll have my friend Rose with me" you tell him.

"If you're saying I should trust her, I am not" he points out.

"Dean, I'm not gonna die" you complain. "Promise me you will be fine!" He looks at you with his baby apple green eyes.

"I promise" you say kissing his cheek. You hear a knock at the door. You walk to the door and answer it. It was Rose, your friend who is a hunter herself.

"Ready?" She asks. "Yeah hold on" you tell her. You quickly run to Dean, you give him a huge hug and you kiss his lips, he kisses back. You break the kiss.

"I love you" you smile.

"I love you to" he smiles back.

You walk out the door wave and blow him a kiss goodbye and you close the door. "Got everything packed?" You asked her.

"Hell yeah I do" she laughs.


You guys hope into the car and you drive, good thing the place wasn't in a different state. It was about 2 hours away from the motel. "I interviewed some people about this place, there are screams laughter and three people a year seem to be dead. Because of this place, my plan is check it out inside and salt it inside and burn it." Rose tells you the plan.

"Can't we just put salt on the building, then jus burn it?" You ask.

"Yeah, but we need to discover what's in there" she demands. "One of us could end up dead, no" you snap.

"(Y/n) chill out, all the spirits locked up in there, will be freed if we put salt in there" she says sympathetically.

"Whatever" you cross your arms. You close your eyes and you soon fall asleep.


"(Y/n) wake up!" Rose yells in your ear causing you to jump. We come across an old park, it looked like a ghost town.

"Are we burning the whole fair, park thing down?" You ask her. "No just the clown house for now" she states.

"For now..." you say the last part slowly. "Yup" she nods. You guys get out the car, she grabs a bag of guns with salt in them and other things. She hands you 2 guns and some salt shells.

You carry a container of salt and you guns. You walk to the clown house, there were bloody hand prints. Clothing parts. "Looks like some people were just having rough sex here" Rose laughs.

"Really?" You nudge her. "Lets go" she shouts, she hands you a flash light and you take it.

You walk in and you start laying salt down to be on the safe side, so you wouldn't have to do it later.

You start to hear laughter of clowns and poor souls. You shine your flashlight ahead of you, nothing was there. You look behind you, Rose wasn't there. "ROSE!" You scream.

There was no answer. "Rose this isn't funny!" You scream out. You hear footsteps, you slowly spin around your flashlight trying to brighten up spots.

Then your flashlight goes off, you bang it against your palm. "Comeon" you whisper to yourself. You see another flashlight, you run towards it.

"(Y/n)?" A male voice calls out. It seemed familiar, you get closer you see that it is Dean. "Dean!" You scream. You run to him and hug him "what are you doing here?" You ask.

"I knew this would be a big job, Rose even said it to Sam so we followed you guys" he says. "You made that seem kind of creepy you know?" You pull away.

Sam comes out of the dark, "Rose is outside" he says. I nod my head. "I have to put salt all around and gasoline to burn this place" you tell them. "You're not doing this alone" Dean and Sam say together.

"I'm not gonna die" you state. "I know" he smiles. "Let's get this over with" you start to throw more salt on the ground. The laughter of the clown gets louder.

You look back and don't see Dean, nor Sam. You freak out a little. You hear footsteps coming close up behind you. "Dean? Sam?" You question.

They normally would answer you right away. So you start to run away from the footsteps, you bump into something. "Dean, Sam?" You take a deep breath.

You feel a sharp pain into the side of your stomach. You put your hand on it, you feel blood. You scream, dropping the salt. You shot the thing. You try walking out as quick as you can.

You relied on the wall to help you with getting out. "(Y/N)!" Dean yells running towards you. He picks you up bridal style and carries you out.

You guys get out and he sets you down, you relie in him to keep you standing. Rose starts the place on fire. You fall down, you were losing to much blood.

"(Y/n)?" Sam says. Dean looks at you and kneels down next to you. He sees that you were stabbed. "Sam get the car ready!" Dean screams at Sam.

"No, don't" you say. "Dean, im losing to much blood. I won't make it there" you say putting your bloody hand on his cheek cupping his face. He puts his hand on yours and keeps it there he starts to cry.

"Keep your eyes on me, keeps your eyes open" he says picking you up and carrying you to the car. "Dean stop" you order him. He puts you in the back seat and sits in the back with you.

He rests your head on his lap, he moves strands of hair out of your face. Sam gets in the front and drives you to the hospital.

Your eyes start to close, "(y/n) no don't stay awake please" Dean cries. "I'm sorry, I love you" you manage to get out with your last breath.

Winchesters, Misha Collins, Norman Reedus imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now