Norman Reedus

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Norman was just about to go talk on the Talking Dead but you had to tell him some big news. You didn't wanna wait you were just so excited to tell him you were pregnant.

It is a dream come true for both of you, you are gonna be a mom and he is gonna be a dad. He came up to you before he had to go out.

"So what did you wanna tell me?" He smiles brightly.

"Well i got exciting news" you smile, you wanted to yell it out loud but you wanted to hide it from everyone. Until the baby actually was coming, otherwise people would be all over you two like when the Princess of England was pregnant.

"What is the exciting news?" He questions grabbing your hands.

"I'm pregnant!" You smile, he looks at you with a shocked look. Then a huge smile comes across his face.

"Are you serious?" He asks.

You nod your head yes. He puts his hands on your belly then kisses your lips.

"This is great!" He couldn't seem to stop smiling, neither could you.

"Norman you gotta go on the stage, now!" One of the people yell, he kisses your forehead. "I love you" he says as he quickly runs off "i love you too" you smile even though he wasn't there.

You quickly go to your seat.

You see Norman looking at you here and there. Every time he looked at you a smile appeared on his face.

"So Norman besides talking about Daryl's life what about your life?" Chris asks, the host of the talking dead.

He looks at you and smiles "i'm going to be a dad" he smiles even brighter.

You feel people look at you, you didn't care. People clapped and cheer for you both.

Winchesters, Misha Collins, Norman Reedus imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now