Daryl Dixon Funeral home (part 2)

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He opens the top of the casket. "What's wrong?" He gives you a sympathetic look. You feel like you are over reacting, but you felt hurt.

You open the bottom part of thr casket. "Don't what's wrong with me" you snap. You get out of the casket and Beth smiles weakly.

"I thought you were dead! Did you even bother to come get me? No! You got Beth instead!" You yell.

"I couldn't find you I looked! Beth was alone so I was with her" he calmly said. "Did you even bother to look for me?" You ask sadly. "No..." Beth steps in.

"I wanted beer I tried to get his mind off you, he was worried it is my fault (y/n)" Beth says feeling bad.

"Sure!" You push a chair down from anger, why is Beth taking the blame?

"(Y/n) I tried to look for you!" He yells. "Yeah right! Why were you laughing? You guys seemed so fucking happy!" You scream pulling your pistol out of your holster.

"We can be happy you know" Beth inputs. "I fucking know! It just hurts, I would kind of wonder if you were sad and id you forgot about me!" Tears stream down your face you were sad and anger.you tried to stop more from coming down your face.

"Am I just junk to you? Is Beth more important than me? Is she so important you helped her get fucking beer?!" You yell. You point your pistol to the floor.

"Put you pistol away!" Beth yells. "Don't tell me what to do!" You give her angery eyes. "(Y/n) hun put your pistol away. (Y/n) I wanted to look for you!" He yells back.

You put your pistol away, "Why didn't you then?" You run out the funeral home as fast as you could. You didn't look back, tears fell down your face.

You were as far from the funeral home. You look back, when you turn back around you bump into a group of walkers. You try to fight as many as you can. But you run out of ammo.

(Daryls pov)

I saw her run away I wanted to come save her, but Beth kept yelling for me to come back. "I need to save her!" I yell running into the woods. I hear Beth scream that she was running away. Right now I didn't care I needed to safe (y/n) she means the world to me.

I couldn't lose her again, I feel bad for not going back and saving her. She doesn't know how bad I feel. I followed Beth's orders like a puppy.

I could've ran away from her to go find
(y/n) but I didn't. I know (y/n) is strong, but still I needed to find her and save her.

I run trying to follow in her footsteps, I hear screams. I sure hope those aren't

She must've ran further than I expected. The screams stop. "Daryl!" I hear Beth scream. I stop to catch some breath. Beth runs beside me. "I'm coming with you" she says.

It starts to become morning, we couldn't find (y/n). "Daryl! I found her pistol" Beth shouts at me. I run over to her, I hold (y/n)'s pistol. I don't let it out of my hand. We find her footprints from her shoes. We follow after them.

We see (y/n), her clothes are ripped up. She is limping. "(Y/n)!" I smile. She turns around, she is a walker.

I break down crying, I couldn't shoot her.

"Now lets go" she stutters. We both run

Seeing Daryl cry breaks my heart! Well I hope you enjoyed!

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