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The Harry Potter universe, stories, and it's characters are the work of J.K. Rowling.


Adam Selwyn was a pureblood wizard. He graduated Hogwarts from none other than the Slytherin house. Captain of the quidditch team, head boy, stellar O.W.L.S. There was nothing he couldn't do.

He grew bored with his life. His father, however, had great plans for his son.

"You will do as I say." He commanded.


Hit after hit after hit. Ever since he was a little boy.

Adam found no reason to disobey his father, so he did as Edgar Selwyn commanded and took a mark that burned into his skin.

He found himself wandering Japan during one of his Death Eater missions. It was a modest, quaint town and rumored to be home of a powerful wizarding family. One so potentially threatening that the dark lord ordered his highest ranks should 'convince' them to pledge allegiance to their side.

They could've stormed the town. Set fire to the buildings, killed all the civilians, and forced loyalty like brutes. But Adam was in a place of authority and he saw no joy in meaningless murder.

Lord Ryusaki wanted no part of Voldemort's conquests. He ordered them to leave, but just before Adam was about to raise his wand, he saw a beautiful, young woman standing behind the Japanese lord.

No one was murdered that day.

The next day Adam returned to the estate by himself. It was a fool's move but he hoped to convince Lord Ryusaki without unnecessary bloodshed. This time, however, he wandered around lost in the gardens.

"Are you lost, sir?"

It was the young lady Adam had seen the other day. She was a petite woman with dark brown- almost black- eyes and long, straight hair of the same color. She spoke in perfect English.

"Yes, I'm looking for Lord Ryusaki." He stated, giving her a slight bow of respect. He didn't know who she was, but he felt it was rude not to show courtesy as a guest.

"What is your name, soldier?"

"Adam. Adam Selwyn." He took off his cap and held it to his chest in a slack salute. "And you, m'lady?"


She wore a pale, sage green kimono, dotted with small white flowers and a light pink obi. Her face was pale and her lips painted in a red hue that could compare to a rose.

"My father is not here at the moment." She paused, checking him up and down. "Would you be opposed to accompanying me until he returns?"

Adam accepted. Of course. There was no way he would pass up an opportunity to spend time with a beautiful woman. Especially if there was nothing better to do.

It was a peaceful conversation among the gardens and Adam was having a more pleasant time with Kaguya than he had in the last five years with anyone else.

Soon, the sun was setting and there was still no sign that the lord had returned.

"Come back tomorrow," she said. "Meet me in the gardens, right here."

And so he did.

Everyday for the next week. He slowly forgot his prior intention of meeting with the lord for he was enjoying his time with Kaguya too much to care.

He felt... free when he was with her.

Kaguya technically did not lie to him. Her father really wasn't there. And he wouldn't be for another week. She just did not provide that information to the young British wizard.

Her intuition and affinity for languages were stronger than most, the reason being why her father often let her deal with matters of foreign affairs. She thought Adam was quite a misguided fellow. Hell, she thought anyone willingly serving Voldemort had something wrong in the head. Which is why she found it so peculiar when she asked him to visit the next day, and the next.

Adam didn't ask her about the large scar that ran down her face from the corner of her left forehead, past her eyebrow, stopping just before her eyelid. Most people stared. It was unusual for a woman to have scars. Especially a female wizard. For it to be on her face was even more so strange.

When Lord Ryusaki returned the following week, Kaguya felt like her time had slipped past her. In a matter of days, Adam would be gone, back to Britain, or dead.

The Lord was not surprised when Kaguya suggested they supported Voldemort. He had heard whispers of the foreigner hanging about with his daughter whilst he was away.

He was also not surprised that she asked to join them in Britain. It seemed Kaguya was much more infatuated with the boy than he thought.

Adam, however, was very surprised when he was summoned by Lord Ryusaki. He knew Voldemort would be unhappy upon his return for the length of the trip, but perhaps his punishment would be lessened with the knowledge that Kaguya would join them.

Lord Ryusaki trusted him enough to let his daughter move to Britain.

Or Lord Ryusaki trusted Kaguya's judgment enough to let her do as she pleased.

Either way, they embarked back to Britain with good news for Voldemort and a weary future ahead of them.

Three years later, they married.

Voldemort was pleased to have secured such a strong alliance. Adam had hexed just about everyone who had called his bride "exotic". It was not a mere business transaction to him or Kaguya.

They welcomed Annika Selwyn into the world. A beautiful, baby girl.

Kaguya knew things were getting worse. There would not be a good future if they were tied to the dark arts in any form. She realized too late that there was no way out.

But Annika was strong and Kaguya believed she would surpass her struggles.

When she found out Narcissa Malfoy was having a son, she prayed for both the mother and her boy.

When Kaguya discovered she was pregnant with a second girl, she wept for the child.

Ashlynn Selwyn was born four months after Draco Malfoy. 

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