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Patrolling was probably the most boring thing I've ever done. Trying to find whatever secret activities Potter and his goons were up to was like chasing a ghost. Not fun.

Draco was so persistent and convinced that Potter was up to something and always sent me off with someone to follow any student that wasn't a Slytherin.  Our herbology lessons continued, but were awkward at best. Neither of us felt like engaging in anything more than small talk.

With O.W.L.S. coming up, I managed to get excused from Inquisitorial Squad duties.

"Bring pride to the Selwyn name." Umbridge smiled and ushered me out.

"Bring pride my arse." I mumbled, roaming the halls.  If anyone was a disgrace to the Selwyn family, it was that hideous toad of a witch and her squib brother. Claiming to be part of a pureblood family. What an absolute-


"Are you alright, darlin?"

"Watch it Freddie, you almost knocked the poor girl over."

Two identical gingers towered over me, with matching mischievous grins.

"Well, well, well," Said one of them.

"If it isn't Malfoy's girl."

"No Fred, that's Parkinson. This one here's Selwyn. Still a snake though."

It was quite an odd sight to see the Weasley twins up close and personal. The way they talked about me like I wasn't standing right in front of them irked me a little, but they were too fascinating to leave. All I could do was stare at them and try to figure out if there was a key to telling them apart.

"Why George, I have an excellent idea."

"Of course, Fred, I was thinking the exact same thing."

"Sorry about this, luv."

Without warning, one of them grabbed me and hoisted me over his shoulder. Before I could struggle or protest, the other blew a powder into my face and my vision slowly faded to black.

Every good thing I ever thought about Fred and George Weasley was immediately retracted when I awoke. The two of them had tied me up and left me hanging from the tallest goal post on the quidditch pitch with a note stuck to my forehead.

The Slytherin team found me and took me down when they came out for their practice. Flint had a good laugh with his fellow chasers but thankfully Draco took me down with the help of Miles.

They all scowled at the note and wouldn't let me read it, but I could assume what it said.

A few days later, there was a commotion among the Slytherins in the common room.

"Did you hear what happened?" They whispered, "Dumbledore's made himself an army. He's been teaching students to fight."

Umbridge had been so proud yesterday when we discovered Potter's little meeting group. Draco absolutely beamed with pride.

"See, I told you!" He gloated to Pansy while we headed to the Great Hall for dinner. "I knew they were up to something."

We were met with several glares from students of the other houses.

Why did it always feel like it was Slytherin versus the rest of Hogwarts?

"Aye, Selwyn!"

"Enjoy your time at the quidditch pitch?" Fred and George jeered, but instead of engaging with a nasty retort, Draco glared at them.

"Just wait till you see what we've got planned next!" They hooted, laughing and jesting with their housemates.

Blaise put his arm around my shoulder to usher me away to sit with my housemates.

"Death Eater whore." Someone muttered, but it was loud enough for us to clearly hear it.

I froze at the remark, processing what was just said. Did he just call me a-

"What did you say?" Draco seethed, sizing up the Gryffindor boy. He was only a little taller than me and looked no older than in his third year.

The chatter had stopped and everyone's attention was now focused on Draco and the boy.

Hermione squirmed in her seat, wanting to interject, although the younger Weasley tried to keep her down.

"You heard what I said," The boy stood, facing us and pointing straight at me, "She's the Death Eaters' whore."

Multiple gasps echoed throughout the hall, coming from all different houses.

Shame and disgust gathered in my head. Was that really what people called me? There was absolutely no reason- I hadn't given anyone any reason to believe what he was saying. I hadn't done anything.

"Do you know what you're saying, boy?" I spat at him, pushing Blaise away and stalking towards where Draco stood. No one dared to say anything. They all watched in anticipation of what would happen next.

The boy stayed with his chin high and his chest puffed out. Of course. He was a stupid, "brave" Gryffindor. Idiots. The lot of 'em.

Draco was clutching his fist so hard that I could see his knuckles turning white and the veins were prominent in his forearm. But before he could whip out his wand and place a hex, owls flew in, dropping packages and letters for their respective owners.

"After we finish our O.W.L.S, I'm going to find that brat and tie him to the whomping willow." I huffed, sitting down and reaching over Draco, who was still quite aggravated, and grabbing the pitcher of pumpkin juice.

"Find me before you do." He said, pushing his cup towards me as I filled my own.  

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