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Cedric Diggory was dead and the house flags that hung through the great hall were black in mourning. Many students were distraught, not expecting to end the year with the death of a brilliant student. It seemed like every moment I passed by Cho Chang, she was bawling her eyes out.

"You know what he is, Goyle?" Crabbe nudged him while we were walking out to dinner from the common room.

"No, c'mon Crabbe, what is he?" Goyle shrugged nonchalantly.

"He's Deadric now." Crabbe snorted, hitting Goyle in the back while they both turned red laughing. "Get it? Cause he's dead?"

"Stop cracking jokes about it."

It irritated me that out of our entire group, I was the only one who said something about it.

"Lighten up, Selwyn, it's just a joke." Crabbe drawled as we took our seats at the Slytherin table.

Draco had been avoiding me ever since I kicked him out of the room, so he sat at the far end with Blaise and Theo. Unfortunately that meant I was stuck seated across Crabbe and Goyle was seated next to me.

"Besides," Crabbe continued even though I was gripping my pumpkin juice so hard that my knuckles were turning white. "The bloke deserved to die. He was a sodding Hufflepuff with no respect to the dark lo-"

That's it.

My glass shattered, causing a commotion and spilling pumpkin juice all over the table. I didn't realize that all the cups in the surrounding area had also burst, leaving the vicinity covered in glass shards. I lunged over the table, grabbed Crabbe's collar and whacked him in the face with my fist.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" "Crabbe's getting beat up by a girl." "Is that Selwyn?"

The chatter was muffled compared to the high pitched ringing in my ear. I almost elbowed Theo in the face when he tried to pull me off the table and to the side. My vision blurred with red when I saw Goyle helping up Crabbe.

"How dare you disrespect him like that!" I shouted, trying to wriggle myself out of Theo's grasp.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Crabbe cried, pressing his hand against his now bloody nose.

Within the midst of chaos, Draco just stood there staring at me in what I think was shock.

"What is Merlin's name is going on?" Mcgonagall yelled, waving her hands frantically in the air.

She took one look at Crabbe on the floor and another at me, her eyes narrowing. "Greggory Goyle, please bring your friend to the hospital wing. And you, Miss Selwyn. My office. Now."

"I can not believe that you punched another student! That qualifies as assault, you know. Thank goodness he is not pressing for a harsher punishment or you'd be in deep trouble, young lady. I don't understand how Severus puts up with you kids." Mcgonagall seethed, pacing, while I sat unbothered in a chair facing her desk. "Please, explain to me what was happening in your mind that led to these events. I'd be delighted to know."


"Professor Mcgonagall!" Hermione Granger pushed open the door and waltzed into the office, followed by Potter and Weasley who looked extremely uncomfortable.

"Miss Granger! Can't you see that I'm with a student right now?"

"I'm terribly sorry professor, but this has to do with the incident that happened in the great hall."

Mcgonagall peered at me and then back at Hermione. "Go on."

"You see, Selwyn's reaction was warranted-"

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