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The next morning, we were still in the room of requirements, wrapped up in each other's arms.

"The way you make me feel," I murmured against his skin "it's indescribable."

"In a good way or a bad way?" He chuckled.

"In a good way," I smiled, "Always."

His grin widened and he flipped me over so my back hit the mattress. Draco rested his head on my chest while I played with his hair.

"You know there's a word for that," He said, intertwining my free hand with his. "When you can't describe something."

"Really?" I hummed. His voice lit butterflies in my stomach. I felt giddy and light headed, but not afraid that I would lose air from the emotional high I got when I was with him. How to express that feeling to him, however, I had no idea. "I believe indescribable was the word I used."

"Oh shush," He muttered, lifting himself up and placing a soft kiss on my collarbone. "It's ineffable- beyond expression."

"She sighed a sigh of ineffable satisfaction, as if her cup of happiness were now full." I recited, wondering if he knew where it was from.

"Jane Eyre," He smiled and flopped back onto the bed, this time pulling me over him with his arms wrapped around my waist. "Is your cup of happiness now full?"

"It is."

"Can we just- stay like this for a while?" Draco murmured into my hair, his hands tangled in it.

I hummed in agreement. Honestly, I'd rather just stay like this forever.

It was a fool's move to believe that something this good could last. After today, everything would change. There was no guarantee that either of us would be alive.

Even if both of us survived by some miracle, I wasn't sure what I'd do. It hurt me to stay, but I couldn't just abandon Draco. I stared at his mark and lifted my arm so that mine was laying next to his.

"They're quite ugly, don't you think?" I frowned, tracing it with my finger.

Draco yawned, and nestled further into me, "And painful."

He had drifted back to sleep, leaving me fully awake. My mind was buzzing.

I only had one potion. Only one of us would get away safely, unless we had another potion or found another way to mimic the effects of it. But that could take months, and we had mere hours.


It was time.

As much as I hated what I was doing, now that the cabinet was fixed, there was no way of stopping it.

People are going to die tonight. And it's all your fault.

You're trading their souls so you can live.

"Get up," I nudged Draco awake and slipped out from under him to put on my robes.

He groggily slid on his own that I threw at him. Draco grabbed my tie and pulled me down for a kiss.

"Just in case that's the last one for a while," He mumbled in response to the confused look on my face.

Once we were settled, the cabinet was now prominent in my vision.

Maybe we could destroy it before they crossed over?

It was too late.

The doors creaked open and a black shoe stepped out. Dozens of Death Eaters filed out into the room of requirement, filling each space with a degenerate and murderer.

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