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I was lounging around the apartment, reading a new book I had picked up at the library when I heard the door buzz. Confused, I put my book, pages side down, on the coffee table to keep my spot and sauntered over to the door.

I knew it couldn't be Hope, because he had hardly had time to text me this weekend, and I knew he had another event tonight. He had called me last night and told me briefly how the Saturday event went.

I could feel myself breaking into a smile as soon as I had picked up the phone.

"Hey, jagi. How are you, beautiful?" I had the phone on speaker and subconsciously hugged his hoodie, which I had been wearing all day, tighter to my body at his words.

"I'm good! How was the event? Did everything go well??"

"Luna, it was amazing! I'm still full of adrenaline from it. I was so nervous before it happened but now I feel wonderful."

I smiled to myself, so happy to hear the joy in his voice.

"Hope, that's so great. I'm so glad to hear that! I wish I could've been there to see you perform."

Hope paused for a second and I immediately bit my bottom lip, silently admonishing myself for speaking without thinking. I hadn't wanted to make him feel awkward for not wanting me there, but before I could get too anxious about it, he continued and I could hear the warmth in his voice.

"I wish you could've been there, too, jagi." I felt something tighten in my chest at his words. I wished, not for the first time, that he would've invited me, but understood he must have his reasons. Just knowing he had wanted me there meant the world to me.

"So what are you up to now?" I asked after a second, trying to steer the conversation into lighter territory.

"Actually, my team and I are all taking some time to relax and eat. We've been going over the show since it was our first live one in 2.5 years. We'll probably split our separate ways soon so we can all shower and rest up for tomorrow."

"I bet you're looking forward to that. I'm sure you got up at the crack of dawn like you always do and after a big performance, you're probably dead on your feet..."

Hope chuckled and warmth filled my chest again at the sound. "Yes, it will be nice to get a shower and go to bed finally, although the adrenaline is keeping me going right now. What are your plans for the rest of the weekend, jagi? Did you get to talk to your friend today?"

I blushed, thinking about what Liza and I had discussed, as it was mostly about Hope. "Yeah, I got to talk to her. It was so nice to catch up with her. She had a great trip. I went to the library and record store today so don't really have much planned for tomorrow except relaxing with Boo and reading."

"So you'll be at home all day tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I need to do laundry before work this week, too. Nothing exciting planned."

Thinking back on this conversation, I realized maybe there was a reason Hope had asked if I was going to be home all day. At the time I thought he was just curious about my weekend plans. There's no way it could be him at the door, though, I told myself. I was just being paranoid about his off-hand comment, surely. He was far too busy today. Even so, I couldn't keep the small balloon of hope from rising in my chest.

I buzzed the person in and then looked out my door's peephole to see who was coming. Outside of the door, I could see a delivery person holding a big bouquet and a small box. My heart only slightly fell when I saw it wasn't Hope. Pull it together, Luna, I told myself. You already knew there was no way it could be him.

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