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Luna's POV

"Okay, you got your snacks ready?" Liza's excited voice asked from the other end of the phone.

"Yep! Got my Twizzlers and Dr. Pepper," I chirped as I did a little dance in my seat which, fortunately, no one could see but Boo. And she ignored me, sleeping through my antics, which she was used to.

"Ugh, Dr. Pepper. Disgusting..." I could almost see her gagging through the phone. I rolled my eyes, smiling to myself. "Oh, shut up. It's the nectar of the gods. What about you? Do you have your nasty snacks ready? Blanket on?"

"Yesss! Got my jerky and my Dew!" I scrunched my nose at her choices but couldn't help grinning at the happiness in her voice that only snuggling up on the couch with a blanket, your favorite snacks, and a kid-free house could bring.

Once Hope had left for practice and sound check, I called Liza on my lunch and filled her in on everything which had happened over the past few days. After spending the first few minutes ribbing me for not having time to catch her up on everything until now, she insisted I call her back later in the evening after work and we watch BTS music videos together as she couldn't believe I hadn't watched any yet.

Five hours later, I listened on the other end of the phone as she shooed her husband out the door with the kids, saying she needed some "me time" for a few hours and it wouldn't kill him to take the kids out to eat and to the park by himself, since she did it all of the time. Aaron had no defense against this, as he knew it was true, so grumbling only slightly, I listened as the background noise in Liza's house went from deafening to silent in less than two minutes.

"Ahhhhh," she said, practically humming in happiness.

"Enjoying the empty house?" I chuckled.

"Yes, and a TV free of YouTube kids' videos. God. There are only so many preteens doing makeup tutorials a person can take."

I could hear Liza's jerky bag crinkling as she opened it and then heard chewing from the other end. Boo was in my lap purring as I scratched her chin, the remote in my other hand and a Twizzler sticking out of my mouth.

"Okay, you ready? Which video do you want to start with?" I was scanning through the music videos on their official page. There were so many of them.

"Ooh, let's do Blood, Sweat, and Tears!" Liza said excitedly. "It looks so pretty!" She must've gotten pretty far down the list because I didn't see it anywhere. It was so like her to scan things at lightning speed, whereas I usually took my time.

"Okay! One second, let me find it." I had gotten distracted by a video that had what most certainly had to be a still of Hope as the cover and gulped. Even though I couldn't see his face, I knew it was him just by the outline of his gorgeous frame. He looked so alluring in the white flowing silk shirt, his silhouette walking down a dark hallway towards the camera. Even the title intrigued me: Boy Meets Evil. I crossed my legs, squeezing my thighs closed, and bookmarked that one to watch later...when I wasn't on the phone with my best friend, and well alone.

"Alright, I'm ready!" I said, shaking the inappropriate thoughts from my head and trying to get back into hangout mode.

"About time!" Liza said. "You're taking forever."

"Bite me," I replied and she giggled. "Ready?"

"Hold on, I have an ad..."

"Liza! And you were getting onto me for holding us up..." I jibed, rolling my eyes to myself and smiling.

"I know, I know! Okay, I'm ready!"

I started counting down from three. We always did this to ensure the videos we watched together were exactly in sync. It didn't always work and we had bickered about it more times than I could count, each of us blaming the other for not pressing play on "one" fast enough or otherwise doing it too fast. But considering how long we had been living across the country now, we were getting pretty good at it.

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