Twenty-Six ♡

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Luna's POV


I had been starting to get a little worried because I hadn't heard from Hope since I'd gotten off work and it was now 10:15 pm. Mostly I'd just hoped he wasn't overworking himself. We didn't exactly have plans when I'd left him in the morning, but he had said he'd see me tonight when he kissed me goodbye. But then my phone buzzed with a strange number and something in my gut told me to pick it up.

" this... Jimin?"

A small nervous laugh from the other side of the line. "Yes, you recognized my voice!"

I smiled and gave a light giggle of my own in response. "What's going on?"

Jimin's tone turned serious again. "Hobi hyung, he's not with you, is he?"

"No. I actually haven't heard from him since this morning. Is everything okay?"

A deep sigh as Jimin's voice got muffled. He sounded like he was saying something in Korean to someone on his end. His voice came back, clear again and full of concern.

"I...not really. That's why I called. I got your number from Hobi hyung earlier because I asked him if I could text you sometimes. I hope that's okay. He got into an argument with another member today. He's very upset."

A pause as I processed this. I wondered what they had gotten into a fight about. More goofing around during practice that had gone too far? But I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach there was more to it. "Where are you guys?

"Well, we're all at the hotel. But Hobi hyung stayed back at the studio. I...I think he's still there. We left at 6:45."

"But that's not that strange, is it?" I said, trying to convince myself as much as Jimin. I felt suddenly a little ill. Jimin's voice just seemed so off.

"Well, not usually, but we have a concert tomorrow, you know. Before concerts, he likes to get back to the hotel early, eat, shower, and go to bed to get lots of rest."

Another long pause followed as the knot in my stomach just got tighter. I wasn't surprised at all to hear this. It completely tallied with the man I'd gotten to know these past couple of weeks.

"How can I help? Should I call him and try to convince him to let me take him something to eat? He hasn't texted me so I don't know if maybe he just wants to be alone." Everything inside me ached to go to him, but I also understood sometimes people just need their space.

"I don't think he should be alone anymore. I waited this long to give him time, but I feel...he needs you to come. Don't know the words. I just feel it. Sorry, my English is not great."

"That's okay. I think I know what you mean. You're talking about intuition. I have that sometimes too." Like right now, I thought. And suddenly I was anxious to get going and get to wherever Hope was as soon as possible.

"Yes!" Jimin said, excited I understood. "I don't know how to explain. I just think seeing you will help."

I glanced at the clock quickly. It was now 10:22.

"What's the address?"


I was outside of a trendy building downtown and putting in the PIN Jimin had given me for the key code lock on the outside doors. I took a deep breath, holding it for a second in anticipation. But I didn't need to worry for long. It unlocked immediately and I breathed a sigh of relief, feeling wary of the cameras staring down at me as I made my way in. I didn't like the idea of going into a building meant only for celebrities anyway and liked it even less when I thought about what would happen if I punched in the PIN incorrectly and set off alarms or something.

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