Part 1: My First BTS Concert (Chapter Seventeen)

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I was in a blacked-out SUV, similar to Hope's, with a very nice middle-aged man driving me. All I had found out was that his name was Joon-ho and that he was from Busan, which he missed because he had a wife and two children there. He was the quiet sort, but it could be just because he had a thick accent and wasn't comfortable with English. After we had exchanged names and I had asked him a couple of questions, resulting in my learning those few details about him, I was tapped out and pulled up my phone instead, alternating between looking absentmindedly at my Facebook, Twitter, and IG accounts and trying to decipher where we were headed just by the roads we were on.

I could see Joon-ho glance at me curiously in the mirror every once in a while, but when I looked up at all he would shyly turn his eyes back to the road. I wondered to myself if he had any clue who I was or if he had just been given instructions to come to pick me up.

I couldn't tell where we were going yet, so I pulled up FB to pass the time. I saw that Daniel still had not changed our relationship status. It was starting to get uncomfortable and I wondered if he was waiting on me to do it. I remembered the way he had acted the other day, like he thought he still had some kind of control over me, and I decided that for once in our relationship, I was going to take the lead. I didn't know what game he was playing, but I'd told Liza about the breakup now so there was no reason to keep our relationship status unchanged.

I took a deep breath, choosing "Single" and "public". I then went to my page and turned off comments on the post, figuring anyone who really cared to talk to me about my breakup with Daniel could text me or PM me if they wanted. The air whooshed out of my lungs as I pressed save. I felt so light. I didn't realize how much stress I was carrying associated with Daniel until now. It felt like perfect timing for the concert. I could truly be free and uninhibited tonight as I watched Hope perform. Like I'd thrown off a weight that I hadn't even known I was carrying.

Looking up, I still wasn't exactly sure where we were going. It seemed almost like we were heading to The Forum. If we were, then I was right. The band he was performing with must be a lot bigger than I thought. I resisted the urge to google the capacity of The Forum, in case I got any spoilers. I was so close now and Hope had asked that I not try to search anything. But the anticipation was killing me. I was guessing it held at least 15,000 people, as I'd been there for some shows previously.

I pulled up my texts for something to do.

Liza! you'll never guess what I'm doing right now.

Luna, I know that you think going to the library is exciting, but not everyone has the passion for reading that you do...

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. What a brat.

Ha Ha. No, Hope surprised me with tickets to his show tonight! he won't tell me where it is or who's performing. he just sent a car to pick me up and I'm on my way there now 😅

seriously?? OMG! what did you decide to wear? do you have any clue where it looks like you're heading yet? I can look up shows happening tonight!

NO! I mean, I guess you can look it up but don't tell me what you find! he asked specifically that I not try to figure it out so that I could be surprised.
ugh, I needed you for my outfit, but there wasn't time to get your help. he only told me at 4:00 today. I wasn't sure what to wear so I put on my black skirt, boots, a black off-the-shoulder top, and my jean jacket. do you think that's okay?

She didn't answer for a minute and I knew she was searching to see what shows were tonight. I hoped she saw my text asking her not to tell me...

OMG LUNA. I THINK I KNOW WHO HE'S PERFORMING WITH. if I'm right, I've been hearing them all of the time on the radio lately! THEY'RE HUGE...looking up more about them right now. and yeah, your outfit sounds perfect! I'm sure you look hot.

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