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Luna's POV

"So, we're going to need you to take on some of Ben's duties in addition to your own, Luna. But don't worry, I'll be taking on some of his duties myself, as well," my boss, Claire, said, crossing her legs and tapping her pen on her notebook. It was a habit she had when we were in meetings when she was beginning to get impatient. On a normal day, I found it mildly irritating. Today, as I was nursing a massive hangover, it was all I could do not to snatch it out of her hand and toss it in the trash next to me.

I tried to make allowances, though. I wasn't the only one in a foul mood today. She wasn't much of a meeting person anyway, but she had called this impromptu meeting because Ben, my favorite co-worker, had decided to put in his notice finally, and I could tell from Claire's pinched face, she was not happy. At all. Join the club, I thought.

Ben had told me a while ago that he had started looking for another job, but it still was quite a blow. I wouldn't say we were really close or anything. After all, we had never really hung out much outside of work. I, being an introvert, mainly kept to myself in the evenings when I wasn't with Daniel because work exhausted my social meter and I needed to recharge. I did go out to see bands on the weekends and had asked Ben and his partner to come with me a few times, but he tended to politely decline, as his partner, Liam, didn't really like bar scenes or staying out late. He explained to me that he didn't get to see him much through the week, so weekends were their time together. Understandable.

But Ben came in to work on time, did his job, and did it well, not to mention he was sarcastic and wasn't a morning person, like me. We both needed at least one coffee downed before we could deal with other people, and once we had realized that, we started taking turns one day a week to stop for coffee on the way in. Finding a co-worker with all of these attributes at once was damn near impossible, and so basically, as far as work was concerned, practically made us best friends. So while I was happy for Ben that he'd found a better opportunity, inwardly, I was pretty bummed out to be losing him. This, paired with my head splitting in two and Claire's incessant pen-tapping, were all enough to put me in a bad mood on their own.

"I understand," I said to Claire as I removed the cap from my pen, ready to write down the duties I'd be taking on. To tell the truth, I was already doing quite a bit more work than I should be, and I was pretty overwhelmed. The simple fact was Ben and I had already had too much work for two people in our position and this was going to put a lot more strain on me. All I could do was hope that Claire was planning on taking on quite a few of his responsibilities.

Thirty minutes later, I found out that I was, to use the technical term, fucked. As I began writing down the tasks I would be covering for Ben, I started wondering what, if any, tasks Claire would be taking on in addition to her own. It sure didn't seem like we were splitting Ben's duties. I sat there, fighting to keep my face professional, but inwardly I was freaking out. If my mood was bad before, it had now launched into full-on bitchy. God, I hoped they found a replacement for Ben quickly.

An hour later, I was sitting with my disappointing salad in the courtyard, stabbing the lettuce leaves forcefully with my fork and imagining they were Claire's head when I got a text. And then another. And another.

Please tell me you're not answering because you're having earth-shattering sex with your hot new band boy

Or you're dead

Those are the only two excuses that are acceptable...because I'm pissed, missy

And the first one is only acceptable because it's been so long for you that I was afraid your virginity was starting to grow back...

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