Part 23 - The Original Life

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It's been about a few months now and Elijah had left again. He didn't realize that this time, his family would be in grave danger. This time when he left. He would be losing two if not more of his family by the time he came back.
For the last two weeks Angel hasn't been feeling the best. She's also been having visions as if she's seeing things that haven't happened yet.
She knows there's danger coming if they stay in mystic falls much longer but the siblings don't want to leave yet. They tell her nothing can hurt them.
Angel was taking a nap in the mikaelson house that she now considers her own home.
Klaus had left a hour ago to do his own thing with  trying to stop the Mystic falls group from finding the cure. He doesn't know his sister Rebekah was doing something for herself. She wanted the cure herself. So she was helping the Mystic falls group to find the cure. Kol wasn't at the house because a few weeks ago he had left town to help track down Angels past. Her real family. Him and Finn wanted to surprise her by finding them. Finn wasn't at the house because he wanted to go and explore the Town that he once grew up in.
Angel was sleeping. Over the last few weeks she had started to dream things that had started to come true. Last week she had dreamt that Rebekah would get a bad hair cut and she did and ended up killing the persons that did the bad hair cut. A few days ago she dreamt that Kol would get a flat tire on the road and that he would get a call from Elijah asking how his siblings were doing in his absence. They had all started to come true within a few hours. At first Kol didn't believe it but a hour later he called her asking her how she knew it was gonna happen.

Angel POV

I had gotten off the phone with Kol after telling him to be careful and that I would keep a eye out for his siblings so he didn't have to worry when he was gone.
I had fallen asleep waiting for one of the Mikaelsons to get back home.


I was walking around in mystic falls but I couldn't see myself in the windows or anything so I thought it was weird but didn't pay anything attention to it. I could hear the cars driving past and I continue to walk through the town looking at all the different shops and restaurants. It was like I wanted to see everything there was to see and to experience it all. I looked around to see a little girl and her brother. I can see that they were happy and the brother had picked up the little girl and put her over onto his shoulders. I could see the little girl laugh and smile. I feel myself smile and laugh. I could tell I was generally happy. I continue to walk around before walking to where a shop was and opening the door. I walk inside and look around seeing I had walked into a jewelry store. I walked over to the counter looking at everything before picking out a few different pieces. I couldn't remember what it was I picked out. I had each of them wrapped up and put into a small bag. I was excited to give them to my family. I pay for everything before walking outside. I walk towards the grill was deciding I was hungry. I wanted to stop and get something to eat. I ordered and by the time I was done eating and I paid. I walked out of the grill before I gasp and feel myself get shoved against the wall. I gasp since I wasn't expecting anyone to attack me.  I suddenly gasp in pain not having time to defend myself and I feel myself get stabbed. I turn trying to stop the pain. That's when I catch a glimpse of my reflection and realize it wasn't me I was looking at. I was looking at Finn Mikaelsons Reflection.
Finn was dying...

End dream

My eyes fly open as I feel myself let out a heart reacting scream that ended up cracking the glass. It was a scream that you would hear when you lost your loved one by a murder and you had watched it not being able to do anything about it or when you  are about to be killed in a horror movie. I could feel myself screaming and crying as I was clutching my chest as if I could still feel Finn's Pain as if it was my own.
I gasp and try to catch my breath for a few minutes before my eyes widen. I gasp and force myself to stand up. I rush to get up and get my shoes on. I didn't have that much time. I had to hurry and get to where Finn was at. I Had To Save Him. Even if it was the Last Thing I Ever Did.
I rush over towards my bag grabbing it. I rush out of the bed room. Rushing down the hallway towards the stairs. Running down them almost tripping and falling but I caught myself. I didn't have time to slow down. I needed to get to where Finn was. I had to Save him. Once I got to the bottom of the stairs. I rush over to the door that leads to the garage throwing it open. I don't have time to close it. I was in to much of a hurry to bother with closing it. I rush over grabbing some keys from the table knowing I was grabbing one pair of Klaus's old car keys. I click the button before rushing over to the car getting inside throwing my bag onto the sit next to me. I put the key into the ignition and turn it to start it. I click a button on the dash that Klaus most have put in to open the garage door and watch the door open slowly. It was to slow for me right now. Once the door was fully open I hit the gas and started driving fast driving out of the driveway. I needed to get to Finn now. Nothing was gonna stop me. Not time. Not speed. Not even cops. Not death Itself.

By the time I managed to get to town and just barely put the car into park. I was rushing out of the car grabbing my bag and the key on my way out of the car. I start rushing towards the grill when I gasp and feel like I couldn't breathe. I knew my dream had came true. I scream as I run over to the alleyway and see Stefan had just stabbed finn. I wasn't sure who else was there but I knew it wasn't just him that was there.
I look angry before I yell and scream letting out a blood curling scream. "NOOOO!" I rush down the steps seeing stefan back away like he was about to vamp away. I rush past him not caring if I could get hurt. I rush over dropping to my knees besides Finn. I was crying and felt like my heart broke. I knew all Finn wanted was to live and enjoy time with his family. He wanted to see what the world had to offer. He didn't deserve this.

Normal POV

Unknown to Angel she was actually part witch. One of her biological Parents was either a witch or a warlock. Her parents had did a spell right after she was born to hide who she really was to keep her safe. Angels mother had said that the only way she could be safe was if they put her into hiding. So they did a spell that would make her look like the Doppelgänger to keep her true identity a secret until she was either a adult or until she had met the Mikaelsons. She was predestined to be apart of their Family.
Of Always and Forever.
Angel was part witch.
So when she had met the Mikaelsons before she fully became a adult. It had started to unlock some of her witch abilities even if she herself didn't know she was a witch. Her dreams were one of the first signs of her magic awakening.
When she went to where Finn died at. She's reachs out and touches Finn's face. She had felt as if One of her Brothers had died. Just like how Klaus was suppose to be her Mate.
His siblings were her family aswell.
Once she touched his cheek and a tear falls down her cheek and there was a sudden bright light that came from her hand reacting to Finn's death. It was her magic. Even if she didn't know it. She was using her magic to try and save him. She was attempting to bring him back from death. Without warning the ground starts to shake and the sky had started to get darker then before as the windows around Angel had started to crack and shatter. Her magic was strong even if she has never used it before. It was trapped inside of her for so long it was just manifesting itself to be stronger then almost anyone else's magic for years.
Stefan had fleed once he realized Angel was there. He knew that the other Mikaelsons wouldn't be that far away, if she was there. He had to leave and meet up with his friends to come up with the next part of the plan since they managed to kill one of the Mikaelsons.
The light was so bright that angel was starting to black out from the force of the light. Her magic was bringing him back as Finn's Skin tone was turning back to normal. The grey and veins on his body were slowly disappearing. Her magic forces the white oak stake from his chest. The light was still coming from her hand that was touching his cheek. She was in a daze and upset over him dying. She didn't even know she was managing to bring Him back from the Dead. After a few more minutes all of Finns skin tone returns and the glow from Angels hand had slowly stopped. Finn's eyes suddenly fly open as he gasps breathing in air. He uses his vampire speed to force himself to stand up. He didn't believe it. He was back... he had died and had managed to be brought back to life. He turns and looks at Angel before his eyes widen and he uses his vampire abilities to reach her and manages to catch her right before she falls and hits her head. He looks at her realizing she had brought him back. He realized she was at least part witch. She had brought him back from the dead. She was an untrained witch but still managed to bring him back not knowing what she was doing ,or even the consequences of what it could do to her by doing a spell like that. He would forever be grateful for her. He felt like with her he had a sister that truely cared about him again. He would protect her with everything he could. He picks her up and carries her back towards Klaus's car he knew she would have drove here. He put her in the car before vamping back over to pick up the white oak stake he saw that stefan stabbed him with. He wasn't leaving that behind. He goes back to the car and sees Angel had moved slightly in her sleep and had dropped the keys from her pocket onto the sit next to her unknowingly. Finn takes them and puts it into the ignition. He hoped all those lessons Klaus and Kol gave him were worth it. He was going to get him and Angel to a safe place for now until his brothers or sister came looking for them. He knew they wouldn't be safe back at the house especially if he was supposed to be dead.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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