Part 21 - Choice Made

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*Elena POV*

When I'm still leaning against the wall waiting for Elijah to wake up,
I start looking around to make sure no one is coming down the hall or anything.
Once I look back at Elijah's dead body he is still dead.
That's when he gasps awake which scares me.
I scramble over towards him, and lean over him and say

Elijah gasps and say's "Katherina."

*Elijah has a flash back*

I say "Elijah it's me. It's Elena. Shh. Shh."

Elijah blinks up at me and leans his down down away from me.
Then he turns towards me and I get scared again and lean against the wall.
He turns towards me and sits up painfully.
Once he stands up, he starts to gasp again and say's
"I can't... I can't breathe."

He falls over to his knees trying to breathe.
He say's "What is happening to me?"

*He starts to cough ,still trying to breathe.*

I say "I... I..I..."

Suddenly Elijah gets up and tries to run out the door into the hallway but he hits the wall instead.
I get up and rush over to him to help him up.
He say's "I... I can't.. I Can't be in this house."

I say "Your not invited in."

Elijah say's "Get me out of here."

He runs out the door and hits the wall again.
I run out the door to see where he went and he flashes out of the house by the time I get to the front door.
He is kneeling to the ground once I came to the front door.
I stop before I reach the front door and look at him.
He looks at me and gets up and rushes to the door mad but he can't get in because of the barrier.

Elijah "What happened?"

I shush him before he can say anything else. And point upstairs.
I say "I'll tell you but not here. Can I trust you?"

Elijah say's "Can I trust you?"

I hand the dagger over to Elijah. He looks at it and grabs it from my hand slowly.


*Angel POV*

I hear Maddox and Klaus talking in the other room , but I don't bother to interrupt because I'm still getting ready for the day.

Maddox say's "I'll be back."

Klaus (still in Alaric's body)
"Yes hurry ,I'm anxious to get out of this body. Once you get my body, I want you to call me you know how anxious I get."

I'm guessing Maddox nods and Klaus shuts the door.

* I walk out of the room ,after I get changed into a light blue almost mint color pants, and a multi - colored tank top, with some Brown sandals.
I put some sunglasses into my bag with my phone.
I put on a bracelet and earrings.*

I see Katherine say while hanging Klaus a cup of coffee.
"Where is he going?"

Klaus say's with a smirk " To retrieve me. So I can get out of this bad hair do."

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