Chapter 1 - Journal

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*Angel POV*

Dear person Who ever reads this,

My name is Angel Gilbert. But people like to call me the darkness. I'm not like most girls my age. I'm 17 right now , I am the "Bad girl" of Mystic Falls.
You may know my twin Elena but I'm not like her, I am the total opposite of her.
We were One hour and six minutes apart when we were born.
She was born at 11:54 at midnight on October 30. I was born at 12:06 on October 31.
Whenever we have birthdays, everyone will just combine them into one. Which never happens people just forget about mine. But I'm cool with it I really don't want to share a birthday with
Elena anyways.

I don't trust my dear twin Elena, even if it could save my life. I guess you're probably thinking why can't you trust her well I'll tell you. It's quite simple actually she's a back stabbing cold hearted lying evil manipulative self-centered bitch. And that's putting it nicely.

The thing that made me mad is when people compare me to her.


Yes we may look alike, but that's where the similarities end. I have curly hair (like our ancestor Katherine) ,and she has straight hair. We both have brown eyes but mine have a little bit of yellow/gold to them.
The reason why is because I'm part werewolf.
You probably won't believe me....

I don't know how because my twin isn't one. Well I have to go.
The "She devil" is calling my name....
Love Angel

Dear whoever you are,

Elena has turned everyone against me. All of our friends and our little brother Jeremy, our aunt Jenna. The only reason why aunt Jenna tolerated me was because I was family. Otherwise she would have acted like I never even existed.
So I'm pretty much alone...

I had a family they just never wanted me... I can't wait to leave this town ONCE AND FOR ALL!

I will NEVER come back!

Love Angel

Dear person,

Ever since my parents died. Everyone was so ,so concerned about poor little Elena.
"Omg Elena i'm so sorry."
" Are you OK?"
"Is she ok?"

...And shit like that well I for one really don't care that my parents are dead.
They treated me like I was trash...
My father would abuse me, my mother did nothing to stop it.
Her and my father would start calling me names. My mother used to just call me a freak and stuff like that. Then I got to the point where...

They would say "Your a freak. Your not even apart of our family."
"Your the black sheep of our family."
"Your an abomination."
"You shouldn't even exist."

I had started to believe it eventually... I had even almost tried to kill myself but that was when I was almost 11 years old but there was a voice in the back of my head saying "Mate you gonna stay strong ,I'll be there soon to save you from your horrible family."

But that was seven years ago... That person still hasn't came to save's not like I really need someone to save me now, I can take care of myself now. I don't know about you guys, but I feel like this year is going to be different than the rest.

Love Angel

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