Chapter 16 - Building manison

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*Klaus POV*

I only have about two weeks before I can break my curse.
So I and Elijah decided to work on a mansion for our family to live in.
I didn't want Angel to see it until it was finished.

The workers that I compelled to work on this have finally got the outside looking beautiful for me and my family and my wife
At least I hope she will say yes.
After I wake up my family cause I won't ask until my family is awake, because if I do ask without REBEKAH awake she will find a way to KILL ME...

♤ ♣ ♧ ♥ ♡ ♦♢ ♤ ♣ ♧ ♥ ♡ ♦♢

*2 days*

*Hours later*

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*Hours later*

The workers have finally completed mine and Angel's room.
It looks like this.

And our closet looks like this

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And our closet looks like this...

And finally our bathroom looks like this

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And finally our bathroom looks like this...

And finally our bathroom looks like this

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