Chapter 11 -New Person???

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*Elijah POV*

Its been a whole day now, and Klaus's Angel still hasn't woken up yet like the witch said she would.



I guess I'm gonna have to find Klaus now...
I hope he doesn't have a dagger with him at the moment.


Wait if Klaus and her have a connection ,maybe he found a way to get her phone number....

It might be a long shot but what
other choice do I have.

He could be anywhere....
I saw her phone fall out of her pocket and hit the ground.
I picked it up and turned it on.
When her phone turns on ,it shows she had 25 missed calls by someone named 'Klausy ❤️'

I bet that's gonna be Klaus.

I go to unlock her phone but it has a password on it....

Now what???

Looks like I'm gonna have to call in one of my witch's that owns me a favor to unlock her phone ... so I can call Klaus...

I pull out my phone and call one of my witch's named Lucy...

Lucy: "Hello?"

I said: "It's me Elijah ... I require your assistance with a spell."

Lucy: "Ok I'll be there in a hour."

*Hangs up*

Brother this better be worth contacting you... I really hope you don't have a dagger with you....

*1 hour later*

I hear someone pull up and look back at Klaus soulmate really quickly.
I zoomed outside and ran to the car and see's it's the witch Lucy in the car.
I pull open her door and pull her out and vamped speed back into the house in the room where Klaus's soulmate is.

(Authors note : you all might think he's crazy for doing that but he doesn't want to leave Her alone... for multiple reasons, you'll find out later 😉)

I let the witch go,and step back.

I say "I need your help to unlock this cell phone."

*Grabs cell phone and hands it to the witch*

Lucy say's while grabbing the cell phone "You need my help with a cell phone??? Can't you just compel the person to unlock it?"

I say "If I could wouldn't I have already done that... besides the person is right here and currently
unconscious and not by MY DOING... I need your help ,so please will you help me..."

Lucy looks at the girl and looks back at me and sighs
"Fine I will..."

*After the spell is complete*

I say "Thank you ,you don't know how much that means to me that I have this phone unlocked... DONT TELL ANYONE WHAT HAPPENED HERE OR WHO YOU SAW... DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!!"

Lucy say's with slight fear in her voice "y-yes I understand and your welcome. Is that all you needed was that spell to be done? I can stay around the area if you need my help with any other spells or assistance?"

I say "Yes would you. I might need you around for a while to protect someone, but for right now that will be all. You can go."

Lucy walks out of the house and drives away.

I sigh...

Now I just need to call Klaus....
That is definitely gonna go well...


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