Chapter 15 - Deicison

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*Angel POV*

Once I leave Klaus's apartment that he must of compelled to stay in for now , I start walking...

*10 Minuets later*

I finally made it back to the Gilbert house... Yeah !!


I walk up to the front porch and up to the door.
I reach out and grab the doorknob.
I twist the doorknob and luckily somehow the door was unlocked...
Thank God!
I did NOT want to call my sister to came open the door, not after last time....

Once I made it inside, I walked into the kitchen and made myself a sandwich.

After I ate the sandwich ,I walked up the stairs and into my room.
I grabbed a dress and everything and walked into the bathroom.

*After everything was done in the bathroom*

When I was done in the bathroom, i went downstairs.
That's when I remember I don't have my phone or a car...

'Klaus can you hear me?'


'Yes love, What is it?'

'Ummm can you care get me ... cause I don't have my car cause it got crashed and I don't know where my phone is...'

'Yes love ... me and Elijah will be there soon.'


*Klaus POV*

After Angel left, I turned to Elijah.

I say "While Elijah where were we again...?"

Elijah say's "Brother I need to ask you ,did you put our family in the ocean?
Because if you did then... I have to do what I have to do for our family..."

I say "Follow me."

I go into this spare bedroom and the room holds all of my family but ester in coffins.

As soon as Elijah comes in , I grab a dagger and dip it in the white ash and rush at him.
When I rush up to him and push him into a coffin with the dagger about to push it in his heart.

When I say with clear anger and sadness in my voice
I am so disappointed in you Elijah... always and forever is what we once swore to each other... what would you have done if I did do that?"

Elijah grabs the dagger to stop it from going in his heart ,while saying "Niklaus please stop this madness... let's end this and be a whole family again.
You know I would of done what needed to be done......
I'm sorry..."

I sigh and let him go.
I step away from him and say
"Brother you disappoint me ....but I think your right .... we can release our family after I break my curse.
But if you even think of doing something against me or my mate , you will go in a coffin again.
Do you understand me?"

Elijah say's "Yes Brother I understand.
I won't do anything ,I just want our family to be together again.
Thank you Niklaus."

Elijah smiles at me ,and I smirk back.

I say "Brother I think it should be about the time for our family to be together again..."
But before I can say anything I get interrupted by hearing my mate thought in our bond.

'Klaus can you hear me?'


'Yes love, What is it?'

'Ummm can you care get me ... cause I don't have my car cause it got crashed and I don't know where my phone is...'

'Yes love ... me and Elijah will be there soon.'

I look at Elijah and say "While Brother ,it looks like we need to go get my mate Angel from her house. She doesn't want to see her sister or other family right now... let's go."

Elijah say's "Yes lets ,I do want to spend more time with my future sister in law. I bet Rebekah would just LOVE to meet her."

I say "Yes she would ... I can't wait for everyone to meet her. Rebekah will finally have a sister even if it's by marriage.


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