Chapter 5 - Camp

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(Angel Pov)

As I get up to get ready for the day.
I go to the bathroom to do my morning routines.
After I did all of that ,I went back to my room to change into a blood red strapless knee high length dress and then put on my leather jacket to match.
I slip on my black slip on shoes.
I decided to leave my hair down today.
That's when I remembered about the attacked last night.
I looked down at my leg to see where I got stabbed.
It was completely healed...

I think 'what the hell? How?'
Then I remembered about my dream I had last night... was that really a dream? had to be a dream right, cause Greyson was in it. Plus he's dead...
But who was that man. He said his name is Niklaus but likes to be called Klaus... Is he my actually mate.

If he is ,I really hope he cares for me. I can't deal with another person hating me ,expressly someone who is supposed y care about me just like my family.
Plus in my dream Klaus gave me his blood to heal me ,maybe it wasn't just a dream then.
Wait he said ,something about a full moon....

While I guess I'm turning into a werewolf tonight.
I'm gonna have to sleep in the woods tonight.
Plus it's Friday.
So it's not like anyone would really care if I missed school or not.
They wouldn't even notice ,they would probably be happy about it.
I have to pack and get ready for a little trip in the woods.

*After she packs*

I might as well go and tell my boss ,that I won't be there for this weekend to work.
I make my way downstairs and go into the kitchen and pick up a apple and make my way out of the house and towards my car.
I unlock my car and put my bag of clothes and food into my truck and get in my car and start it.
I put on my sit belt and put it into reverse and go backwards and pull out.
I start to drive towards the grill.

*After car drive*

I had just turned into the parking lot and parked my car into a spot.
I get out of my car and locked it ,when i just turned around and saw Elena and her group of friends go into the grill.


'Great just great ,that's all I need is to deal with Elena and her crappy group of friends.'

I might as while go in and deal with them now rather then later.
I slowly walked into the grill and the door closes behind me with a thud.
I look around and spot Elena and her "gang".

I glare at her and look away. Then I spot my manager, I start walking towards her but right before I could make me way completely to her ,someone steps in my way.
I look and see it's



I think that's his name anyways.
He is only one out of Elena's friends that is kinda nice to me.
He smiled at me and said
"Hey Angel ,I just wanted to let you know that Elena is in her bitchy mood again."
I say "thanks you but I can handle her.
I have for 17 years now, what's another year in the whole grand scheme of things.


Now can you get out of my way ,cause I have to go talk to talk to our manager.

(I forgot to mention that both Angel and Matt work at the grill together)

He slowly steps out of my way ,so I could pass him.
I say "Thanks" and walk away from him.
I walk pass him and towards my boss Lucy again.

*After she talks to her boss*

I say "Thanks for understanding Lucy ,I just can't make it. I don't feel that while."

Lucy say's "No problem,I know you don't have the best situation at home and I know it can be difficult to deal with them.
If you ever need me ,you can always came and talk to me."
I smile and say "bye" and walk away. I make my way to the front door to leave the grill ,when Elena steps in front of me.
I say trying to be nice "What do you want?"
Elena say's "Why did you skip school ,Are you scared that you were going to get picked on again.
But I don't know why you would be scared since you do that do yourself."
I say "Elena just shut up and leave me alone."
I go to wake around her ,when she steps in front of me again.
Elena say's "our parents were right. Your just a waste of space. You caused everyone to hate you."
I step closer to her and say " No ,
you have it the wrong way around.
YOU caused everyone to hate me." I shove Elena out of my way.
"You caused me to have NO Friends ,NO Family that cares about me.
NO one loves me because of you."
While I step closer to her ,so I can whisper in her ear "I hope you die, cause then I will finally be able to GET AWAY from YOU."
I walk away from her and go towards the door.
I push open the door and walk out.
I slam the door to the grill shut behind me.
I walk over to my car and unlock it. I get in and turn it on.
I put the car in reverse and pull out of the parking space and drive out of the grill parking lot.
I start driving to the woods.

*Somewhere in the woods*

After I parked my car and got out.
I went to my trunk and grabbed my stuff out and shut it.
I locked my car.
I started to walk ,to find a place to stay for however long I will stay as a wolf.
I was walking around for like
10 minutes.
I finally found a space to set up to stay for the night.
I sat my tent and stuff down ,and put up my tent.
I looked up at the sun ,and saw it was about 5-6 in the afternoon.!so I have about a hour and like 30 minutes left till I change.
I might as well look around to see what's around me.
So far I've seen a river ,a open field, and even a broken run down house.
I looked up at the sky ,it's like looks about 30 minutes left till I change. So I should start heading back.


As soon as I make it back to my tent, I feel a bone in my shoulder break.
I yelp in shock.
I didn't expect that.
Then I feel another bone crack ,it's soon followed by another.
This is gonna be a long night.

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