1: Dumpling Day

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Welcome to chapter 1! Hope you like! Story requests are open now and any genre is accepted.

Let's begin!

Chan woke up early this morning and instantly got on his laptop. Ideas for songs coming to him in his sleep had to be written down.

None of the other members were awake yet, even Hyunjin, who was half-way off the bed.

As Chan was typing, an AD popped up in his browser. It was an AD for children's clothing.
None of them had children, but boy did they talk about it. Changbin had mentioned on multiple occasions how great of a dad he thought he would be. Jeongin said he wanted a football team worth of children so he could create a homeschooling football team.

"That's a cute onesie.", Chan said.

He couldn't help but look at the articles of clothing. One day, he would buy all of these for his own little one.

After a certain amount of time passed, there was a knock at his bedroom door. It startled Hyunjin, making him fall off the bed.

"Who in the name of pancakes is knocking on the door right now?", asked Hyunjin, trying his hardest to unravel from his blankets on the floor.

Chan went to open the door and was greeted by Jisung.


"Well someone is excited this morning."

"Of course I am, do you know what today is?"

Hyunjin, finally escaping his blankets, got up with a pissed off face.

"Let me guess, wake up Hyunjin day."

"No red hot, it's dumpling day!"

There was a tradition in the SKZ dorms, every Friday, was dumpling day. That meant that they got to eat whatever flavor of dumplings they wanted, and however many, all day.

Hyunjin got out of his grumpy mood.

"Well why didn't you wake me up sooner! To the dumpling shop!"

The three boys ran down the steps, Chan and Hyunjin still in pajamas, and were met with Minho in the kitchen and Seungmin in the living room.

"Good morning!", said Minho.

"Happy Dumpling Day my boys.", said Seungmin.

Jisung grabbed a pair of  keys from the counter.

"I'm driving. Let's go. I'm hungry."

"You can drive?", asked Changbin, coming from upstairs with Jeongin on his back.

"No but i sure will try. Crashing Changbin's car is worth it for dumplings."

Changbin dropped Jeongin off his shoulders.

"Why my car..."

Chan, Hyunjin, and Jisung sprinted out of the door on the way to the car. When they hopped in, Jisung started the car excitedly.

"OK how do I do this."

Hyunjin, regretting getting in the car, told him to put it in reverse.
After about 20 minutes of Jisung's driving lessons, they left.


Seungmin was watching Rick and Morty when there was a faint knock at the door.
Since he was alone in the living room, he got up to open it.


He didn't see anyone, and then he heard a voice.

"Hewo! Down here!"

Seungmin looked down and was met with the cutest sight he had ever seen.

A small little boy wearing blue overalls, staring at him with big brown eyes.

"Well hello there little one. Where are your mommy and daddy?"

"I no have. Baby alone."

Seungmin took note of the sadness on the little boys face.

The boy reached in his overall pocket and handed him a letter.

"For chu!"

He opened the letter and began to read while inviting the boy inside.

"Dear Whoever it May Concern,

Due to unforseen circumstances, we are unable to take care of our baby. His name is Felix, and he recently turned three years old.

If you meet him, please take good care of him. He is our special boy, and it pains us to leave him. Love him as much as you would love your own child, he deserves it.

The Lee Family"

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